5 Ways to Reconnect with God When You Feel Distant

5 Ways to Reconnect with God When You Feel Distant

We’ve all been there. Our devotional time is scheduled, but as soon as we wake up, we are needed. Our to-do lists are running in on our mind on overload by the time our feet hit the floor. Time gets away from us and our quality time with God is pushed to the back burner.

Staying connected to God is our heart’s desire, but it takes a daily commitment, discipline, and renewed focus to keep God first. As much as we want to stay connected, the reality is that life gets in the way and our best intentions are disrupted. Our daily demands consume us and spending time with God becomes last on our list or non-existent.

However, the good news is that God is always calling and drawing us back into relationship with Him. If you have allowed other “things” to supersede your time with God, here are five ways to reconnect with God when you feel distant:

1. Keep a Gratitude Journal

Showing gratitude is one of the best ways to reconnect to God when we feel distant. When we are consumed with life’s demands, it is so easy to forget the many ways that God has provided, kept, and strengthened us. Giving thanks and praise to Him reaffirms His faithfulness and reminds us that we are not alone. God has not forgotten about us and cares for us so deeply. 

When you need a reminder, you can refer back to your gratitude journal for encouragement and strength. Speak out loud to the Lord how grateful you are to Him also. “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever” (Psalm 107:1).

Today, I invite you to make a daily commitment to give thanks to God by keeping a gratitude journal and sharing your thanks and praise to God. Giving thanks reconnects us with our ultimate sustainer, keeper and protector. During joyous and difficult seasons, gratitude is the bridge that will keep us connected to our loving God.

woman joyfully listening to music on headphones walking in park

Photo credit: ©Getty Images/MangoStar_Studio

2. Listen to Worship Music

Another way we can reconnect with God is listening to worship music. Often, God speaks to me through worship music and provides peace for my spirit and strength when I am weary. The lyrics of a worship song or Scripture uplift and encourage me when I am down and helps to reconnect me with God’s presence.

We can listen to worship music in our car, on the way to work, lunch break, when exercising, or devotional time. It doesn’t matter when or how we listen, but that we are intentional about reconnecting with God’s presence. You may sing and praise God in worship surrendering your fears and anxieties to Him. “Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs” (Psalm 100:2).

Today, I invite you to reconnect to God through worship. Create your favorite playlist and allow the worship of the Lord to lead and guide you throughout the day. God speaks to us through music and we have to be intentional about listening to Him in this creative way.

3. Pray and Talk to God Each Day

Prayer is a powerful way for us to connect with God. When we pray, we give our thanks and praise, surrender our anxieties, and share what is on our hearts to God. God just wants us to come freely and draw closer to Him. We don’t have to wait to be in crisis mode to start praying. Talk to God throughout the day about things big or small.

James 5:16 states “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” Praying to God throughout our day as a trusted friend is a wonderful way to cultivate and reconnect our relationship with Him. Pray to God for wisdom, direction, courage, confidence, and healing. God loves and cares about us so deeply that He always leaves the door open and desires for us to come running back to Him. Begin practicing talking and praying to God at different times during your day and take some time to praise God for how He strengthened and kept you at the end of the day.

The more consistent we are in talking to God, the stronger our relationship will become. We won’t just come to God out of obligation, but will come to Him because we know that He is our refuge and most consistent help in times of trouble. Let God refresh your desire to commune with Him, and converse with Him on all matters.

open bible with plant and leaves, verses for meditation and prayer

Photo credit: Unsplash/Carolyn V

4. Meditate on Uplifting Scripture

Reading and meditating on Scripture is another practical way to reconnect with God and God’s word. Whether you are a new believer or more seasoned, God’s word always speaks to us in relevant and refreshing ways. Psalm 119:105 states, “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” Find or re-read a Scripture that resonates or uplifts you during different seasons of your life.

No matter how long you may have become disconnected from God’s word, there is always an opportunity to start again. God’s word always speaks to us. If you don’t know where to start, most bibles have a topical index in the back of the book where a corresponding Scripture addresses a specific topic.

Post your uplifting scripture somewhere where you can easily see it to encourage and uplift you. When we meditate on Scripture, we gain encouragement, strength, wisdom, and better connect with God. Open God’s word and allow it to speak life and refresh your mind and spirit. God’s word is timeless and never runs dry.

5. Commune with God Creatively

As you are looking to reconnect or strengthen your relationship with God, get creative. There are many ways to spend quality time with God doing things you enjoy. When the weather is nice, take a nature walk observing the beauty of God’s creation. While walking, pray or listen to God for wisdom and direction. Journaling is another creative way to spend time with God. When I write down my thoughts, God provides me with renewed strength and peace. Drawing or using some form of art can reconnect you with God. 

Seasons change, and it is ok to try creative ways to stay connected to God. God is not stagnant and neither should we be. John 1:3 states, “Through him, all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.” Give yourself permission to try a new way to stay connected with our loving, caring, and faithful God. If you have fallen off track or feel distant from God, He is always calling us back into His loving care and presence.

Despite how far we may separate from God, we can always come back to Him. There is now no condemnation in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1). Yesterday is gone and today is a new beginning. If you need guidance and direction on how to reconnect, pray to God for clarity, courage, and wisdom on how to get started. Don’t get caught up in having all the details figured out. God wants us to simply come. Continue to give thanks, listen to worship music, pray to God throughout your day, meditate on Scripture and commune with God creatively.

God will meet our willing spirit with love and peace. As we reconnect with God’s presence, we are reminded of an important factor: He never left us; we just needed to return to Him.

Photo credit: ©Getty Images/pcess609

Kirstyn Mayden is a Christian blogger who writes devotionals that empower and equip believers in their everyday lives. She is a wife, Mom, and loves Jesus. She has a Master of Divinity degree from Emory University in Atlanta, GA. For the last 20 years, Kirstyn has served in several ministry capacities. She has a passion to serve with women empowering them to grow and live out their God-given purpose. Currently, she serves alongside her husband in ministry in West Virginia. She is the author of Merciful Moments: A Devotional Journal for Moving Forward with Grace Each Day. Connect with Kirstyn’s blog here.