The vessels of mercy and the vessels of wrath delineated.
The nature and necessity of true repentance.
The tender anxieties of ministers for their people.
The wonderful compassions of Christ to the greatest sinners.
The nature of love to God and Christ opened and enforced.
The nature and author of regeneration.
The divine life in the souls of men considered.
The divine life in the souls of men considered.
The ways of sin hard and difficult.
The characters of the whole and sick in a spiritual sense, considered and contrasted.
A sight of Christ the desire and delight of saints in all ages.
The law and the gospel.
The gospel-invitation. (A sacramental discourse.)
The nature of justification, and the nature and concern of faith in it.
The success of the ministry of the gospel, owing to a divine influence.
The rejection of gospel-light the condemnation of men.
A New-Year's gift.
On the death of his late majesty, King George II.
Religion and patriotism the constituents of a good soldier.
The crisis: or, the uncertain doom of kingdoms at particular times.
The curse of cowardice.