Errata and Addenda


Page 17, line 17 from bottom, for Vaughn, read: Vaughan.
Page 22, last line, add:

ZUckler, Handbuch der theologi9chen Wissonschaf ten, 2: 606-769.
Page 25, line 2, for Lepslus, read: Llpslus.

Page 28, line 8 from bottom, for E. J. Baird, read: Samuel J. Balrd.

Page 27, line 14 from bottom, and page 823, line 10 from bottom, for Sum ma Doctrlna, read:

Summa Doctrlna;.
Page 28, line 13 from bottom, add:

Butler, Analogy of Natural and Revealed Religion.
Page 60, bottom, odd:

Some things are given to us. Among these things are "graft ud truth" (John 1:17; cf. >). But there are ever those who are willing to take nothing as a free gift, and who Insist on working out all knowledge, as well as all salvation, by processes of their own. Pelagianlsm, with its denial of the doctrines of grace, Is but the further development of a rationalism which refuses to accept primitive truths unless these can be logically demonstrated. Since the existence of the soul, of the world, and of God cannot be proved in this way, rationalism is led to curtail, or to misinterpret, the deliverances of consciousness, and hence result certain systems now to be mentioned. Page 54, line 10 from top, add:

Cousin, Hist Pbllos., 2 : 239-348: F. E. Abbot, Scientific Theism, 171-177: Veitch's Hamilton (Blackwood's Philosophical Classics), 178-191. Page 55, line 10 from bottom, omit the three sentences beginning: "Yet this seems to be, etc."; "In the London Spectator, etc."; "It is the extinction, etc." This matter Is, for substance, transferred to page 87, line 27 from bottom. Page 58, line 3 from bottom, add:

On the fact of sin as refuting the pantheistic theory, see Bushnell, Nature and the Supernatural, 140-184.

Page 63, line 13, add: See also Gloatz, Wunder und Naturgesetz, in Studien und Kritiken*

1886: 403-546. Page 86, line 24 from top, add:

West, In Defence and Confirmation of the Faith (Elliott Lectures for 1885), 80-129. Page 67, line 4, add: See Buckley on Faith-healing, in Century Magazine, June, 1886: 221-236. Page 72, line 18, for sense which, read: sense in which.

Page 74, line 14 from bottom, tmtead of A. D. 63, rea<l :.A. D. 64; line 13 from bottom, instead"

of 58, read: 63. Page 79. line 26 from top, add:

Salmon, Introd. to N. T., 6-31; A. B. Bruce, in Present Day Tracts, 7: no. 38.
Page 86, line 1, and page 183, line 26, for Supernatural, read: Superhuman.
Page 95, line 13 from bottom, and page 142, line 21 from bottom, for Priestly, read: Priestley.
Page 96, line 14, for apostles, read: apostles'.

Page 107, line 10, add: Zttckler, Die Urgeschichte der Erde und des Menschen, 137-163.
Page 109, line 18, for Jellet, read: Jellett.
Page 124, line 26, for Spencer, read; Spenser.

Page 134, line 23 from bottom, omit quotation-marks before the word: maintained; line 15 from bottom, omit quotation marks after the word: antecedents.

Page 142, line 4 from bottom, add:

See also art. on the Metaphysics of Oughtness, by F. L. Patton, in Presb. Rev., 1886: 127-150.

Page 147, line 4 from bottom, after "ike works of thj kinds," add:

3:3, 4 —Christ is the builder of the house of Israel; "bat ke that built ill things is God" = Christ Is God, since the maker must be greater than his work, and the Maker of all things must be divine.

Page 149, line 8, add:

Eph. 5:5—" kingdom of Christ tad God."

Page 186, line 6 from bottom, after applicatre, add; " [ quotation marks ].

Page 164, line 13 from bottom, add: James S. Candllsh, The Work of the Holy Spirit.

Page 167, line 13 from bottom, for Neither, read: No one.

Page 169, line 22, add:

Jeremy Taylor: "He who goes about to speak of the mystery of the Trinity, and does it by words and names of man's Invention, talking of essence and existences hypostases and personalities, priority in eoequality, and unity In pluralities, may amuse himself and build a tabernacle in his head, and talk something — he knows not what; but the renewed man, that feels the power of the Father, to whom the Son is become wisdom, sanctlflcatlon, and redemption. In whose heart the love of the Spirit of God is shed abroad —this man, though he understand nothing of what is unintelligible, yet he alone truly understands the Christian doctrine of the Trinity."

Page 174, line 10, instead of f orsees, read: foresees.

Page 181, line 7 from bottom, for Andrew, read: Andrew Fuller.

Page 186, line 8, for Maccabees, read: 2 Maccabees.

Page 190, line 16, change the comma to a period, and omit the words: indeed it is Impossible

to conceive of Its not having had a beginning. Page 195, line 15 from bottom, after Creation, add: ZUckler, Die Urgeschichte der Erde und

des Menschen, 1-77: Reusch, Blbllscbe Schflpf ungsgeschichte. Page 198, line 28, fur malntalnance, read: maintenance. Page210, line 28, add:

Charles Kingsley, Two Years Ago: "He [Treluddra] Is one of those base natures

whom fact only lashes Into greater fury,—a Pharaoh, whose heart the Lord himself can

only harden "— here we would add the qualification: 'consistently with the limits which

he has set to the operations of his grace.' Page 218, line 1,/or Monad, read: Monrad. Page 221, line 4, for exeution, read: execution.

Page 238, line 8, atkl: ZfJckler, Die Drgeschlchte der Erde und des Menschen, 81-105.

Page 243, line 21 from bottom, add: ZUckler, Urgeschlchte, 109-132.

Page 260, line 26, for breaths, read: breathes.

Page 253, line 15 from bottom, for creation, read: creatlan.

Page 264, line 10, for combatted, read: combated.

Page 274, line 5, for is the only mode, read: Is only the mode.

Page 282, after line 14 from bottom, insert:

Law reveals God's love and mercy, but only in their mandatory aspect: it requires In men conformity to the love and morcy of God; and as love and mercy in God an' conditioned by holiness, so law requires that love and mercy should be conditioned by holiness In men. Law Is therefore chiefly a revelation of holiness: it is in grace that we find the chief revelation of love; though even love does not save by Ignoring holiness, but rather by vicariously satisfying its demands.

Page 283, last line, for flKOn, read: KOII; line 6 from bottom, for DONn, read: ilNBn.

Page291, line 18, add:

This theory confounds sin with the mere consciousness of sin; on Schlelermacber, see Julius MUUer, Doctrine of Sin, 1:341-349.

Page 291, line 2 from bottom, add:

London Spectator on Mcphistopheles In Goethe's Faust: — " The srreat drama is radically false In Its fundamental philosophy. Its primary notion is that even a spirit of pure evil is an exceedingly useful being, because he stirs Into activity those whom he leads into sin, and so prevents them from rusting away in pure indolence. There are other and better means of stimulating the positive affections of men than by tempting them to sin."

Pag-e 292, line 27, add:

On Hegel's view of sin, a view which denies holiness even to Christ, see Julius MUUer, Doctrine of Sin, 1:390-407.

Page 307, line 3 from bottom, for conclusion, read: exclusion.

Page 311, line 30, for while did, read: while he did.

Page 318, line 13 from bottom, for held, read: hold.

Page 337, line 28, for Burgees, read: Burgesse.

Page 348, line 6, after " to him it is sin," adtl:

John Ruskin: "The condemnation given from the Judgment Throne —most solemnly described — Is for all the ' undones' and not the ' doncs.' People are perpetually afraid of doing wrong; but unless they are doing its reverse energetically, they do ft all day long, and the degree does not matter.

Page 350, line 3 from bottom, for determination, read: deterioration.
Page 361, line 3 from bottom, add:

Dorner, Glaubenslehre, 2 : 238, 239 (Syst. Doct., 3 :134, 135).
Page 358, line 15 from bottom, for arra«i'<«>v, read: am*i(iv.
Page 887, line 7 from bottom; and page 378, line 19 from top; after oiipavj, add:

for advocacy of the common reading, see Broadus, in Hovey's Com. on John, 3 ; 13.
Page 371, line 16, for 8, read; 18.
Page 877, line 4, fur ecumenical, read: oecumenical.
Page 423, line 2 from bottom, after knoweth what, insert: is.

Page 450, line 19 from bottom, after: producing power by which the effect is secured, add:

James Martineau, Types of Ethical Theory, 1: preface, xlii —" A cause is that which

determines the Indeterminate." Page 454, line 7, add: See Lotze, Outlines of Psychology (translated by Ladd), 142, 143. Page 458, line 5, after Hovey, add:

Manual of Theology and Ethics, 245; see also Hovey's Com. on John, 1:12,13—"The

meaning would then be this: 'Many did not receive him; but some did; and as to al

who received him, he gave them grace by which they were enabled to do this, and so to

become God's children.'" Page 478, line 7, odd:

Rom. 8:3—" God, tending Ins own Son condemned tin in the lash " = the believer's sins were

judged and condemned on Calvary. The way of pardon through Christ honors God's justice as well as God's mercy; cf. Rom. 3 : 26—" that he might himself be just, and the junifcr of him that hath faith in Jesus." Page 501, line 16 from bottom, for mercy, read: memory. Page 511, line 16, for Stephens, read: Stephanas. Page 522, line 22, for work, read: word. Page 540, line 3 from bottom, add:

Per contra, however, see 1 Cor. li: 34 —"let him eat at home"—where o!«ot is contrasted with the place of meeting; so also 1 Cor. 14: 35 and lots 20:20, where o'«ot seems to mean a private house. Page 545, line 27, add:

C. Hebert, The Lord's Supper: History of Uninspired Teaching. Page548, line23from bottom, after body, add: Vedder, however, in Bap. Quar. Kev., 1886: 289, says that " The church at Bedford is proved by Indisputable documentary evidence never to have been a Baptist church in any strict sense." Page 580, line 16, after the resting place, add:

But Gesenius, Lexicon, 9th ed., says that though SlKl? is commonly explained as infinitive of l7Kl£', to demand, it is undoubtedly allied to hyt? (root St?), to be sunk and = ' the sunken, or deep, place.' Page 560, line 22. for "gathered to their fathers." read: "gathered unto his people." Page 581, line 25, before 20 :12, insert: Ret. Page 584, line 4 from bottom, add:

The "book of life" = the book of justification, in which are written the names of thosi' who are united to Christ by faith; as the "book of death" would = the book of condemnation. In which are written the names of those who stand in their sing, as unrepentant and unforgiven transgressors of God's law.

The axUhor'e friend* and former stwlentx are kinilly requested to inform him
of any additional errata which they may discover.