Job 25



Bildad (25:1–6)

1–6 This is the last we will hear from Job's three friends; Zophar never gives a third reply at all.

Bildad adds little new here. God is high in the heavens, and lowly man is down on earth. In verses 4–6, Bildad repeats the earlier thoughts of Eliphaz (Job 4:17–19; 15:14–16). If God considers even the moon and stars impure, what must He think of sinful man!

The only “new” thought in this short speech is Bildad's opinion of man: man is a maggot, a worm 53 (verse 6). This, of course, is an utterly false notion—even as a figure of speech. Men and women are made in the image of God, and they have been appointed by God to rule over every living creature (Genesis 1:26–27). Though in comparison with an infinite God we are very, very small and weak and—yes—impure, we are never to equate ourselves with “maggots“! We are not insignificant creatures; we are the most marvelous result of God's creative power.54 And He loves us enough to have sent His only Son to die for our sins so that we might have fellowship with Him forever.