Philippians 1 Footnotes


1:1 Some say “overseers and deacons” reflects later church organization and cannot have been written by Paul. However, NT churches quickly developed leadership structure. While less developed than the structures evidenced in the time of the apostolic fathers (late first century), early churches had bishops and deacons (Ac 20:17,28).

1:13 Since Rome had not declared Christianity illegal at this time, Paul had committed no crime. He was imprisoned for Christ’s sake.

1:15-17 Paul understood these preachers’ motives, which were wrong, but he affirmed the correctness of their message (unlike opponents in chap. 3).

1:16 Paul’s circumstances were for the “defense of the gospel.” He wanted to make a formal presentation of Christianity’s authenticity.

1:19-20 Paul’s final salvation would come through remaining true to Christ in the face of difficulties. Paul did not expect to be ashamed (lit “put to shame”). Christians will be vindicated by persevering in the truth.