Proverbs 6


19. speaketh--literally, "breathes out," habitually speaks ( Psalms 27:12 , Acts 9:1 ).

20-23. (Compare Proverbs 1:8 , 3:3 , &c.).

22. it--(compare Proverbs 6:23 ); denotes the instruction of parents ( Proverbs 6:20 ), to which all the qualities of a safe guide and guard and ready teacher are ascribed. It prevents the ingress of evil by supplying good thoughts, even in dreams ( Proverbs 3:21-23 , Psalms 19:9 , 2 Peter 1:19 ).

23. reproofs--( Proverbs 1:23 ) the convictions of error produced by instruction.

24. A specimen of its benefit. By appreciating truth, men are not affected by lying flattery.

25. One of the cautions of this instruction, avoid alluring beauty.
take--or, "ensnare."
eyelids--By painting the lashes, women enhanced beauty.

26. The supplied words give a better sense than the old version: "The price of a whore is a piece of bread."
adulteress--(Compare Margin), which the parallel and context ( Proverbs 6:29-35 ) sustain. Of similar results of this sin, compare Proverbs 5:9-12 .
will hunt--alluding to the snares spread by harlots (compare Proverbs 7:6-8 ).
precious life--more valuable than all else.

27-29. The guilt and danger most obvious.

30, 31. Such a thief is pitied, though heavily punished.

31. sevenfold--(compare Exodus 22:1-4 ), for many, ample (compare Genesis 4:24 , Matthew 18:21 ), even if all his wealth is taken.

32. lacketh understanding--or, "heart"; destitute of moral principle and prudence.

33. dishonour--or, "shame," as well as hurt of body ( Proverbs 3:35 ).
reproach . . . away--No restitution will suffice;

34, 35. nor any terms of reconciliation be admitted.
regard--or, "accept" any ransom.