2 Corinthians 11:23

As one beside himself (parapronwn). Present active participle of parapronew. Old verb from paraprwn (para, prhn), beside one's wits. Only here in N.T. Such open boasting is out of accord with Paul's spirit and habit. I more (uper egw). This adverbial use of uper appears in ancient Greek (Euripides). It has no effect on egw, not "more than I," but "I more than they." He claims superiority now to these "superextra apostles." More abundant (perissoterw). See on Mark 7:15 . No verbs with these clauses, but they are clear. In prisons (en pulakai). Plural also in Mark 6:5 . Clement of Rome (Cor. V.) says that Paul was imprisoned seven times. We know of only five (Philippi, Jerusalem, Caesarea, twice in Rome), and only one before II Corinthians (Philippi). But Luke does not tell them all nor does Paul. Had he been in prison in Ephesus? So many think and it is possible as we have seen. Above measure (uperballontw). Old adverb from the participle uperballontwn (uperballw, to hurl beyond). Here only in N.T. In deaths oft (en qanatoi pollaki). He had nearly lost his life, as we know, many times ( Mark 1:9 ; Mark 4:11 ).