John 10:30

One (en). Neuter, not masculine (ei). Not one person (cf. ei in Galatians 3:28 ), but one essence or nature. By the plural sumu (separate persons) Sabellius is refuted, by unum Arius. So Bengel rightly argues, though Jesus is not referring, of course, to either Sabellius or Arius. The Pharisees had accused Jesus of making himself equal with God as his own special Father ( John 5:18 ). Jesus then admitted and proved this claim ( John 5:19-30 ). Now he states it tersely in this great saying repeated later ( John 17:11, 21 John 21 ). Note en used in 1 Corinthians 3:3 of the oneness in work of the planter and the waterer and in Jo 17:11 Jo 17:23 of the hoped for unity of Christ's disciples. This crisp statement is the climax of Christ's claims concerning the relation between the Father and himself (the Son). They stir the Pharisees to uncontrollable anger.