Judges 18:4

4 He told them what Micah had done for him and that he had hired him as his priest.

Judges 18:4 Meaning and Commentary

Judges 18:4

And he said unto them, thus and thus dealeth Micah with me,
&c.] Told them the whole story, how he came to the door of Micah's house, how he inquired of him who he was, and from whence he came, and whither he was going, and then invited him into his house to stay with him:

and hath hired me;
by the year, for ten shekels of silver, a suit of clothes, and meat and drink, and by this means he got a livelihood, and was supported:

and I am his priest;
and that was his business to offer sacrifice for his family, and to consult his oracle for him, and for whomsoever should apply.

Judges 18:4 In-Context

2 So the Danites sent out five brave men from all their clans, from Zorah and Eshtaol, to spy out the land and explore it. They told them, "Go and explore the land." They came to the hill country of Ephraim as far as the home of Micah and spent the night there.
3 While they were near Micah's home, they recognized the speech of the young Levite. So they went over to him and asked, "Who brought you here? What are you doing in this place? What is keeping you here?"
4 He told them what Micah had done for him and that he had hired him as his priest.
5 Then they said to him, "Please inquire of God so we will know if we will have a successful journey."
6 The priest told them, "Go in peace. The Lord is watching over the journey you are going on."
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