以西結書 43:3

3 其 狀 如 從 前 他 來 滅 城 的 時 候 我 所 見 的 異 象 , 那 異 象 如 我 在 迦 巴 魯 河 邊 所 見 的 異 象 , 我 就 俯 伏 在 地 。

以西結書 43:3 Meaning and Commentary

Ezekiel 43:3

And it was according to the appearance of the vision which I
Recorded in the first, ninth, and tenth chapters of this book; the form in which the glory of the God of Israel now appeared was like to what he then saw; in each of which visions was the likeness of a throne, and on it the appearance of the glory of God: even according to the vision that I saw when I came to destroy the
the city of Jerusalem; not that the prophet destroyed it, or came to destroy it himself, which was to be done, and was done, by the Chaldeans; but to foretell the destruction of it; which prediction of his made it as certain as if it was done. So the Targum,

``when I prophesied to destroy the city;''
and this was, when he was bid to cause, in a visionary and prophetic manner, six men, with their destroying weapons, to draw near unto it, and smite it; at which time he saw the glory of the God of Israel go up from the cherub, ( Ezekiel 9:1-3 ) . And the visions were like the vision that I saw by the river Chebar;
the four living creatures and the wheels; the throne of sapphire stone, and the glorious appearance above it, ( Ezekiel 1:3-28 ) ( 10:1-20 ) only with this difference, then he saw the glory of the God of Israel departing, especially in the last vision, but now returning: and I fell upon my face;
in reverence of such glorious majesty: affected with such a display of grace and goodness, and sensible of his own unworthiness to behold it: the clearer and fuller views saints have of the grace and glory of Christ, the more humble they are; see ( Isaiah 6:1-3 Isaiah 6:5 ) .

以西結書 43:3 In-Context

1 以 後 , 他 帶 我 到 一 座 門 , 就 是 朝 東 的 門 。
2 以 色 列   神 的 榮 光 從 東 而 來 。 他 的 聲 音 如 同 多 水 的 聲 音 ; 地 就 因 他 的 榮 耀 發 光 。
3 其 狀 如 從 前 他 來 滅 城 的 時 候 我 所 見 的 異 象 , 那 異 象 如 我 在 迦 巴 魯 河 邊 所 見 的 異 象 , 我 就 俯 伏 在 地 。
4 耶 和 華 的 榮 光 從 朝 東 的 門 照 入 殿 中 。
5 靈 將 我 舉 起 , 帶 入 內 院 , 不 料 , 耶 和 華 的 榮 光 充 滿 了 殿 。
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