箴言 13:10

10 驕 傲 只 啟 爭 競 ; 聽 勸 言 的 , 卻 有 智 慧 。

箴言 13:10 Meaning and Commentary

Proverbs 13:10

Only by pride cometh contention
Though it comes by other things, yet by this chiefly, and there are no contentions without it: or "truly", "verily", "certainly F4, by pride" Unless the words may be better rendered, "an empty man through pride will give contention" F5, or make it; such as are empty of knowledge and wisdom; and such are generally the most proud, and are very apt to raise contentions, and foment divisions: contentions in families, in neighbourhoods, in towns, cities, and countries, and in churches, are generally owing to pride; what contentions and confusions has the pride of the pope of Rome brought into kingdoms and states, into councils, and into the church of God! but with the well advised [is] wisdom:
such who are humble and modest will seek counsel of God; will consult the sacred oracles, and ask advice of those who are superior to them in knowledge and understanding; and so will neither raise contentions themselves, nor join with those that make them, but do all they can to lay them; these show that true wisdom is with them.


F4 (qr) "certe", Vatablus; "vere", Pagninus, Montanus, Merecrus.
F5 "Levis per superbiam dabit contentionam", Gejerus.

箴言 13:10 In-Context

8 人 的 資 財 是 他 生 命 的 贖 價 ; 窮 乏 人 卻 聽 不 見 威 嚇 的 話 。
9 義 人 的 光 明 亮 ( 原 文 是 歡 喜 ) ; 惡 人 的 燈 要 熄 滅 . 。
10 驕 傲 只 啟 爭 競 ; 聽 勸 言 的 , 卻 有 智 慧 。
11 不 勞 而 得 之 財 必 然 消 耗 ; 勤 勞 積 蓄 的 , 必 見 加 增 。
12 所 盼 望 的 遲 延 未 得 , 令 人 心 憂 ; 所 願 意 的 臨 到 , 卻 是 生 命 樹 。
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