箴言 2:2

2 側 耳 聽 智 慧 , 專 心 求 聰 明 ,

箴言 2:2 Meaning and Commentary

Proverbs 2:2

So that thou incline thine ear unto Wisdom
Hearken to Wisdom, that is, Christ; or rather to the instruction of Wisdom, which is the Gospel; so called, because it is the produce of divine wisdom, what the wisdom of man could never have devised, and which it opposes; and in which there is a most glorious display of the wisdom of God, in the justification and salvation of his people by Christ, ( 1 Corinthians 2:6 1 Corinthians 2:7 ) ; and is worth listening unto with the greatest attention, which is what is designed by this expression; [and] apply thine heart to understanding;
to a spiritual and experimental understanding of the Gospel, and the truths of it: for an inclination of the ear, without an application of the heart, which signifies the intenseness of the mind, an earnest and hearty desire after knowledge, will signify nothing; a hypocrite may seemingly hear with great attention, and show much affection, and yet his heart be after the world and the things of it, ( Ezekiel 33:31 ) ; see ( Psalms 119:112 ) .

箴言 2:2 In-Context

1 我 兒 , 你 若 領 受 我 的 言 語 , 存 記 我 的 命 令 ,
2 側 耳 聽 智 慧 , 專 心 求 聰 明 ,
3 呼 求 明 哲 , 揚 聲 求 聰 明 ,
4 尋 找 他 , 如 尋 找 銀 子 , 搜 求 他 , 如 搜 求 隱 藏 的 珍 寶 ,
5 你 就 明 白 敬 畏 耶 和 華 , 得 以 認 識   神 。
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