箴言 8:2

2 他 在 道 旁 高 處 的 頂 上 , 在 十 字 路 口 站 立 ,

箴言 8:2 Meaning and Commentary

Proverbs 8:2

She standeth in the top of high places
To be both seen and heard, for which reason Christ went up into a mountain and preached, ( Matthew 5:1 ) ; by the way;
the roadside, to instruct and direct passengers as they go along, to show them the right way, and caution them against taking wrong ways; so did Christ, ( Matthew 16:6 ) ( 22:16 ) ; in the places of the paths;
or, "between the paths" F19; where more ways than one met together, and so difficult to know which was the right path to take; here Christ stands in the ministry of the word to direct, and says, "this is the way, walk ye in it", ( Isaiah 30:21 ) ; and as there are many ways which are proposed to men to walk in, some of open profaneness and impiety, and others that have a show of religion and devotion, but both lead men wrong; the ministers of Christ show, and he by them, the way of salvation, and how to avoid such as lead to destruction, ( Acts 16:17 ) .


F19 (tbytn tyb) "in mediis semitis", V. L. "inter semitas", Tigurine version, Baynus; so some in Vatablus; "in mediis compitis", Schultens; to the Targum, Sept. and Arabic versions.

箴言 8:2 In-Context

1 智 慧 豈 不 呼 叫 ? 聰 明 豈 不 發 聲 ?
2 他 在 道 旁 高 處 的 頂 上 , 在 十 字 路 口 站 立 ,
3 在 城 門 旁 , 在 城 門 口 , 在 城 門 洞 , 大 聲 說 :
4 眾 人 哪 , 我 呼 叫 你 們 , 我 向 世 人 發 聲 。
5 說 : 愚 蒙 人 哪 , 你 們 要 會 悟 靈 明 ; 愚 昧 人 哪 , 你 們 當 心 裡 明 白 。
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