Shīpiān 119:110

110 è rén wèi wǒ shè xià wǎngluó . wǒ què méiyǒu piānlí nǐde xùn cí .

Shīpiān 119:110 Meaning and Commentary

Psalms 119:110

The wicked have laid a snare for me
To draw him into sin, and so into mischief; and even to take away his life, as they are said to dig pits for him, ( Psalms 119:85 ) ;

yet I erred not from thy precepts:
not wilfully and wickedly, though through inadvertence and infirmity, as he often did, and every good man does; and indeed his errors are so many, that they cannot be understood and numbered. The sense is, he kept on in the way of his duty; did not desist from that, or wickedly depart from his God, and his worship, to escape the snares of bad men.

Shīpiān 119:110 In-Context

108 Yēhéhuá a , qiú nǐ yuènà wǒ kǒu zhōng de zànmĕi wèi gōngwù , yòu jiāng nǐde diǎnzhāng jiàoxun wǒ .
109 wǒde xìngméng cháng zaì wēixiǎn zhī zhōng , wǒ què bù wàngjì nǐde lǜfǎ .
110 è rén wèi wǒ shè xià wǎngluó . wǒ què méiyǒu piānlí nǐde xùn cí .
111 wǒ yǐ nǐde fǎdù wèi yǒngyuǎn de chǎnyè . yīn zhè shì wǒ xīn zhōng suǒ xǐaì de .
112 wǒde xīn zhuān xiàng nǐde lǜ lì , yǒngyuǎn zūnxíng , yīzhí dàodǐ .
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