Shǐtúxíngzhuàn 7:48

48 Qíshí zhìgāo zhĕ bìng bú zhù rén shǒu suǒ zào de . jiù rú xiānzhī suǒ yán ,

Shǐtúxíngzhuàn 7:48 Meaning and Commentary

Acts 7:48

Howbeit the most High dwelleth not in temples made with
Such an one as Solomon's was; he did indeed dwell in his temple, but he was not confined to it, nor included in it, or circumscribed by it; and so much Solomon himself suggests, when he expresses his wonder at his dwelling on earth, seeing the heaven of heavens could not contain him, and still less the house which he had built, ( 1 Kings 8:27 ) , (Nwyle) , "the most High", is one of the names of God, ( Genesis 14:18 Genesis 14:19 Genesis 14:22 ) the Apostle Paul says the same of God as Stephen does here; ( Acts 17:24 ) "as saith the prophet"; the prophet Isaiah, ( Isaiah 66:1 Isaiah 66:2 ) .

Shǐtúxíngzhuàn 7:48 In-Context

46 Dàwèi zaì shén miànqián mēng ēn , qíqiú wéi Yǎgè de shén yùbeì jū suǒ .
47 Què shì Suǒluómén wéi shén zàochéng diàn yǔ .
48 Qíshí zhìgāo zhĕ bìng bú zhù rén shǒu suǒ zào de . jiù rú xiānzhī suǒ yán ,
49 Zhǔ shuō , tiān shì wǒde zuòwei , dì shì wǒde jiǎo dèng . nǐmen yào wéi wǒ zào hédĕng de diàn yǔ , nàli shì wǒ ānxī de dìfang ne .
50 Zhè yīqiè dōu shì wǒ shǒu zhòng suǒ zào de má .
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