马可福音 5:27

27 他 听 见 耶 稣 的 事 , 就 从 後 头 来 , 杂 在 众 人 中 间 , 摸 耶 稣 的 衣 裳 ,

马可福音 5:27 Meaning and Commentary

Mark 5:27

When she had heard of Jesus
Of the many miracles he had wrought, and cures he had performed, in cases as difficult and desperate as hers, or more so; and that he was now passing along the streets,

came in the press behind;
though she was so weak, and much enfeebled, as she must needs be, by such, and so long a disorder; yet she ventures into the crowd, which were pushing and pressing after Christ; and got up to him, behind him, being ashamed to tell her case, and desire a cure:

and touched his garment;
the hem or border of it, with her hand, very softly, and in a private manner, so as not to be observed by any. Christ is the sinner's last shift; he tries every one first before he comes to him; he spends all his money, strength, and time, with others, to no purpose; and finding them all to be useless and unserviceable, he applies to him, who is the only physician that can give relief in this case: like this woman, having heard of his ability to save to the uttermost those that come to him; and being encouraged by the many cures of the worst of sinners, of such who were in the most desperate condition, presses in the throng, through a great many temptations, difficulties, and discouragements thrown in the way by Satan, and its own evil heart of unbelief, and which arise from a sense of vileness and unworthiness; and in a modest and bashful manner, fearing it should be thought presumption in him, and yet persuaded it is the only way for a cure, and that it is to be had in this way, lays hold on the robe of Christ's righteousness, and the garment s of his salvation; or, in other words, thus reasons with himself: though I am such a vile, sinful, unrighteous, and impotent creature, yet surely in the Lord there is righteousness and strength, if I can but by faith lay hold thereon; though it be but in a weak way, only by a touch, and in a trembling manner; I shall be justified from all things, I could not be justified by all the works of righteousness I have been doing, and that evidentially and comfortably; and therefore I will venture and draw nigh unto him, and though he slay me I will trust in him; I will throw off my own filthy rags of righteousness; I will make mention of, and lay hold on his righteousness, and that only; he shall be my salvation. And such an one finds, as this woman afterwards did, a perfect cure, cleansing from all sin, a free and full forgiveness of it, and complete justification from it.

马可福音 5:27 In-Context

25 有 一 个 女 人 , 患 了 十 二 年 的 血 漏 ,
26 在 好 些 医 生 手 里 受 了 许 多 的 苦 , 又 花 尽 了 他 所 有 的 , 一 点 也 不 见 好 , 病 势 反 倒 更 重 了 。
27 他 听 见 耶 稣 的 事 , 就 从 後 头 来 , 杂 在 众 人 中 间 , 摸 耶 稣 的 衣 裳 ,
28 意 思 说 : 我 只 摸 他 的 衣 裳 , 就 必 痊 愈 。
29 於 是 他 血 漏 的 源 头 立 刻 乾 了 ; 他 便 觉 得 身 上 的 灾 病 好 了 。
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