以弗所书 5:25

25 你 们 作 丈 夫 的 , 要 爱 你 们 的 妻 子 , 正 如 基 督 爱 教 会 , 为 教 会 舍 己 。

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以弗所书 5:25 Meaning and Commentary

Ephesians 5:25

Husbands, love your wives
Which consists in a strong and cordial affection for them; in a real delight and pleasure in them; in showing respect, and doing honour to them; in seeking their contentment, satisfaction, and pleasure; in a quiet, constant, and comfortable dwelling with them; in providing all things necessary for them; in protecting them from all injuries and abuses; in concealing their faults, and covering their infirmities; in entertaining the best opinion of their persons and actions; and in endeavouring to promote their spiritual good and welfare: this love ought to be hearty and sincere, and not feigned and selfish; it should be shown in private, as well as in public: it should be chaste and single, constant and perpetual; it should exceed that which is bore to neighbours, or even to parents, and should be equal to that a man bears to himself; though not so as to hinder, and break in upon love to God and Christ: many are the reasons why husbands should love their wives; they are given to be helps unto them; they are companions of them; they are wives of covenant; they are their own wives, yea, their own bodies, their own flesh, nay, as themselves; they are their image and their glory; and especially the example of Christ, in his love to his church and people, should engage to it:

even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it:
(See Gill on Ephesians 5:2); the Syriac and Ethiopic versions read, "his own church"; his bride and spouse, whom he betrothed to himself from all eternity, the Father having given her to him; and is no other than the church of the firstborn, whose names are written in heaven, even all the elect of God.

以弗所书 5:25 In-Context

23 因 为 丈 夫 是 妻 子 的 头 , 如 同 基 督 是 教 会 的 头 ; 他 又 是 教 会 全 体 的 救 主 。
24 教 会 怎 样 顺 服 基 督 , 妻 子 也 要 怎 样 凡 事 顺 服 丈 夫 。
25 你 们 作 丈 夫 的 , 要 爱 你 们 的 妻 子 , 正 如 基 督 爱 教 会 , 为 教 会 舍 己 。
26 要 用 水 藉 着 道 把 教 会 洗 净 , 成 为 圣 洁 ,
27 可 以 献 给 自 己 , 作 个 荣 耀 的 教 会 , 毫 无 玷 污 、 皱 纹 等 类 的 病 , 乃 是 圣 洁 没 有 瑕 疵 的 。

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