以弗所书 6:14

14 所 以 要 站 稳 了 , 用 真 理 当 作 带 子 束 腰 , 用 公 义 当 作 护 心 镜 遮 胸 ,

以弗所书 6:14 Meaning and Commentary

Ephesians 6:14

Stand therefore
Keep your ground, do not desert the army, the church of Christ, nor his cause; continue in the station in which you are placed, keep your post, be upon your watch, stand upon your guard:

having your loins girt about with truth;
by which is meant the Gospel, and the several doctrines of it; see ( Ephesians 1:13 ) ( 4:15 ) ; and to have the loins girt with it, shows, that it should be near and close to the saints, and never departed from; and that it is a means of keeping them close to God and Christ, and of strengthening them against the assaults and attacks of Satan; and is of great use in the Christians' spiritual conflict with their enemies; the girdle is a part of armour, and so considerable as sometimes to be put for the whole, ( Isaiah 5:27 ) ; and here it is mentioned in the first place:

and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
in allusion to ( Isaiah 59:17 ) , meaning not works of righteousness done by men, though these are a fence when rightly used against the reproaches and charges of the enemy, as they were by Samuel, ( 1 Samuel 12:3 ) , but rather the graces of faith and love, ( 1 Thessalonians 5:8 ) , though faith has another place in the Christian armour, afterwards mentioned; wherefore it seems best to understand this of the righteousness of Christ, which being imputed by God, and received by faith, is a guard against, and repels the accusations and charges of Satan, and is a security from all wrath and condemnation.

以弗所书 6:14 In-Context

12 因 我 们 并 不 是 与 属 血 气 的 争 战 ( 原 文 作 摔 跤 ; 下 同 ) , 乃 是 与 那 些 执 政 的 、 掌 权 的 、 管 辖 这 幽 暗 世 界 的 , 以 及 天 空 属 灵 气 的 恶 魔 争 战 。
13 所 以 , 要 拿 起 神 所 赐 的 全 副 军 装 , 好 在 磨 难 的 日 子 抵 挡 仇 敌 , 并 且 成 就 了 一 切 , 还 能 站 立 得 住 。
14 所 以 要 站 稳 了 , 用 真 理 当 作 带 子 束 腰 , 用 公 义 当 作 护 心 镜 遮 胸 ,
15 又 用 平 安 的 福 音 当 作 预 备 走 路 的 鞋 穿 在 脚 上 。
16 此 外 , 又 拿 着 信 德 当 作 ? 牌 , 可 以 灭 尽 那 恶 者 一 切 的 火 箭 ;
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