以赛亚书 2:2

2 末 後 的 日 子 , 耶 和 华 殿 的 山 必 坚 立 , 超 乎 诸 山 , 高 举 过 於 万 岭 ; 万 民 都 要 流 归 这 山 。

以赛亚书 2:2 Meaning and Commentary

Isaiah 2:2

And it shall come to pass in the last days
The days of the Messiah, as Aben Ezra rightly interprets it; and it is a rule laid down by Kimchi and Ben Melech, that wherever the last days are mentioned, the days of the Messiah are intended. The days of the Messiah commenced in the latter part of the Old Testament dispensation, or Jewish world, towards the close of their civil and church state, at the end of which he was to come, ( Habakkuk 2:3 ) and accordingly did, which is called the end of the world, and the last days; that is, of that state, ( Hebrews 1:2 ) ( 9:26 ) ( 1 Corinthians 10:11 ) and ushered in the world to come, or Gospel dispensation, which is properly the days of the Messiah, reaching from his first to his second coming; the first of which were the times of John the Baptist, Christ and his apostles; the latter days of that dispensation take in the rise and reign of antichrist, ( 1 Timothy 4:1-3 ) the last days of it are those which bring in the perilous times, the spiritual reign of Christ, and the destruction of antichrist, and which will precede the personal coming of Christ, ( 2 Timothy 3:1-5 ) ( 2 Peter 3:4 2 Peter 3:5 ) and these are the days here referred to.

[That] the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the
top of the mountains;
by "the mountain" of the Lord's house is meant, not Mount Moriah, on which the temple was built, as Kimchi interprets it; nor the temple itself, as the Targum; though in the last days of it, and at the first coming of the Messiah, that had a greater glory than ever it had before, through the personal presence of Christ in it; through the effusion of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles there, on the day of Pentecost; and through the Gospel being first preached here by Christ and his apostles, from whence it went forth into all the world, as is afterwards predicted it should; but the kingdom of Christ, which is his church, is here designed; called "the Lord's house", because of his building, and where he dwells, and which he will at this time beautify and glorify; the materials of it are lively stones, or true believers; laid on Christ the foundation, into which there is no right entrance but through faith in him, who is the door, and where is plenty of provisions; the pillars and beams of it are the ministers of the Gospel, and its windows are the ordinances: here Christ is as a Son over his own house; he is the Master of it, the High Priest and Prophet in it; and his servants are the stewards of it, to give to everyone their portion; and happy are they that have a name and a place in it: and it is called "the mountain", in allusion to Mount Zion, on which the temple stood; because of its immovableness, being secured in the everlasting and electing love of God, and in the unalterable covenant of grace, founded on the Rock Christ, and guarded by the mighty power of God. This is "established in the top of the mountains"; in Christ, who is higher than the kings of the earth, signified by mountains, ( Revelation 17:9 Revelation 17:10 ) who is the Head of all principality and power; not in their first head, or in themselves, is the establishment of the saints, but in Christ, ( 2 Corinthians 1:21 ) he is the stability of their persons, of their grace, and of their life, spiritual and eternal. Here it seems to denote the superiority of the kingdom and interest of Christ to all civil and religious states; the settlement and security of it; its standing above them, and continuance when they shall be no more, even all antichristian states, both Papal, Pagan, and Mahometan, ( Revelation 16:19 Revelation 16:20 ) ( 19:20 ) ( Daniel 2:44 )

and shall be exalted above the hills;
Mount Zion is above Mount Sinai, or the Gospel dispensation is preferable to the legal one. It is an observation of Jarchi, that it shall be exalted by a greater sign or miracle that shall be done in it than was done in Sinai, Carmel, and Tabor; the law was given on Sinai, and many wonders wrought; but on Zion the Messiah himself appeared, and his Gospel was published, and miracles wrought by him. And in the latter day, when Christ, and he alone, shall be exalted, as he will at the time this prophecy refers to, ( Isaiah 2:11 Isaiah 2:17 ) the church will be exalted; the glory of the Lord will be risen upon her; the interest of Christ will exceed all other interests; his religion will be the prevailing one; the kingdoms of this world will become his; and his dominion will be from sea to sea, and from the rivers to the end of the earth. This may also denote the visibility of the kingdom and church of Christ; it will be as a city on a hill; and however obscure the church is now, being in the wilderness, it will at this time be visible to all:

and all nations shall flow unto it;
that is, many out of all nations shall be converted, and come freely and willingly to join themselves to the church of Christ; they shall come in great numbers, in company together, and that continually, like flowing streams; they shall first flow to the Lord, and to his goodness, and then to his church and ordinances; see ( Isaiah 60:4 Isaiah 60:5 Isaiah 60:11 ) ( Jeremiah 31:12 ) .

以赛亚书 2:2 In-Context

1 亚 摩 斯 的 儿 子 以 赛 亚 得 默 示 , 论 到 犹 大 和 耶 路 撒 冷 。
2 末 後 的 日 子 , 耶 和 华 殿 的 山 必 坚 立 , 超 乎 诸 山 , 高 举 过 於 万 岭 ; 万 民 都 要 流 归 这 山 。
3 必 有 许 多 国 的 民 前 往 , 说 : 来 吧 , 我 们 登 耶 和 华 的 山 , 奔 雅 各   神 的 殿 。 主 必 将 他 的 道 教 训 我 们 ; 我 们 也 要 行 他 的 路 。 因 为 训 诲 必 出 於 锡 安 ; 耶 和 华 的 言 语 必 出 於 耶 路 撒 冷 。
4 他 必 在 列 国 中 施 行 审 判 , 为 许 多 国 民 断 定 是 非 。 他 们 要 将 刀 打 成 犁 头 , 把 枪 打 成 镰 刀 。 这 国 不 举 刀 攻 击 那 国 ; 他 们 也 不 再 学 习 战 事 。
5 雅 各 家 啊 , 来 吧 ! 我 们 在 耶 和 华 的 光 明 中 行 走 。
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