以西结书 1:5

5 又 从 其 中 显 出 四 个 活 物 的 形 像 来 。 他 们 的 形 状 是 这 样 : 有 人 的 形 像 ,

以西结书 1:5 Meaning and Commentary

Ezekiel 1:5

Also out of the midst thereof
The fire; or out of the whole that was seen; the whirlwind, cloud, fire, and the brightness about it: [came] the likeness of four living creatures;
not really four living creatures; they appeared like to such they were in the form of such; by which we are to understand, not the four monarchies; nor the four Gospels; nor the angels; but ministers of the Gospel; the true key for the opening of this vision is that which John saw, ( Revelation 4:6-8 ) ; the four beasts there, or living creatures, as it should be rendered, are the same with these here, and these the same with them; and who manifestly appear to be not only worshippers of the true God, but to be men redeemed by the blood of Christ; and are distinguished from angels, and also from the four and twenty elders, the representatives of the Gospel churches; and so can design no other than the ministers of the word, with whom all the characters of them agree, as in that vision, so in this; see ( Revelation 4:8 Revelation 4:9 ) ( 5:8-11 ) . "Creatures" they are; not gods, but men; they are indeed in God's stead, and represent him, being ambassadors of his; but they are frail, mortal, sinful men, of like passions with others; and therefore great allowances must be made for their infirmities and weaknesses: yea, as ministers, they are the creatures of God; he, and not men, has made them able ministers of the New Testament: and they are "living" creatures; they have spiritual life in themselves, and are the means of quickening others; and have need to be, and should be, lively and fervent in their ministrations. Their number, "four", respects the four parts of the, world, to which their commission to preach the Gospel reaches; and whither they are sent, whensoever it is the will and pleasure of God they should got and he has work for them to do; and this [was] their appearance, they had the likeness of a man;
their general likeness was the human form, except in some particulars after mentioned, because they represented men; men humane, tender, kind and pitiful; knowing, and understanding, and acting like men.

以西结书 1:5 In-Context

3 在 迦 勒 底 人 之 地 、 迦 巴 鲁 河 边 , 耶 和 华 的 话 特 特 临 到 布 西 的 儿 子 祭 司 以 西 结 ; 耶 和 华 的 灵 ( 原 文 是 手 ) 降 在 他 身 上 。
4 我 观 看 , 见 狂 风 从 北 方 刮 来 , 随 着 有 一 朵 包 括 闪 烁 火 的 大 云 , 周 围 有 光 辉 ; 从 其 中 的 火 内 发 出 好 像 光 耀 的 精 金 ;
5 又 从 其 中 显 出 四 个 活 物 的 形 像 来 。 他 们 的 形 状 是 这 样 : 有 人 的 形 像 ,
6 各 有 四 个 脸 面 , 四 个 翅 膀 。
7 他 们 的 腿 是 直 的 , 脚 掌 好 像 牛 犊 之 蹄 , 都 灿 烂 如 光 明 的 铜 。
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