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Ecclesiastes 2:8

8 I gathered me also silver and gold, and the peculiar treasure of kings and of the provinces; I got me men-singers and women-singers, and the delights of the children of men, a wife and concubines.

Ecclesiastes 2:8 Meaning and Commentary

Ecclesiastes 2:8

I gathered me also silver and gold
In great quantities: the weight of gold which came to him in one year was six hundred threescore and six talents; see ( 1 Kings 9:14 1 Kings 9:28 ) ( 1 Kings 10:14 1 Kings 10:22 1 Kings 10:27 ) ; and the peculiar treasure of kings and of the provinces;
whatsoever was valuable and precious, such as is laid up in the cabinets of kings, as jewels and precious stones; and everything rare and curious, to be found in all provinces of the earth, or which were brought from thence as presents to him; the Targum is,

``and the treasures of kings and provinces, given to me for tribute:''
wherefore, if any pleasure arises from these things, as do to the virtuosi, Solomon enjoyed it. Moreover, among the treasures of kings were precious garments of various sorts, as were in the treasury of Ahasuerus F12; and when Alexander took Shushan, he found in the king's treasures, of Hermionic purple, to the value of five thousand talents, which had been laid up there almost two hundred years F13; and to such treasure Christ alludes, ( Matthew 6:19 ) ; I got me men singers and women singers;
the harmony and music of whose voices greatly delight; see ( 2 Samuel 19:35 ) ; the Targum interprets it both of instruments of music for the Levites to use in the temple, and of singing men and women at a feast: and such persons were employed among other nations F14, on such occasions, to entertain their guests; and are called the ornaments of feasts F15; as were also "choraules", or pipers F16; and the delights of the sons of men; [as] musical instruments, and
that of all sorts;
such as David his father invented; and to which he might add more, and indeed got all that were to be obtained; see ( Amos 6:5 ) . The two last words, rendered "musical instruments, of all sorts", are differently interpreted; the Targum interprets them of hot waters and baths, having pipes to let out hot water and cold; Aben Ezra, of women taken captive; Jarchi, of chariots and covered wagons; the Septuagint, Syriac, and Arabic versions, of cup bearers, men, and women, that pour out wine and serve it; and the Vulgate Latin version, of cups and pots, to pour out wine. It seems best to understand it of musical instruments, or of musical compositions F17; sung either with a single voice, or in concert; which, according to Bochart F18, were called "sidoth", from Sido, a Phoenician woman of great note, the inventor of them or rather from giving unequal sounds, which, by their grateful mixture and temperament, broke and destroyed F19 one another.

F12 Targum Sheni in Esther vi. 10.
F13 Plutarch. in Alexandro, p. 686. Vid. Homer. Iliad. 24. v. 224-234.
F14 Vid. A. Geli. Noct. Attic. l. 19. c. 9. Homer. Odyss. 8. v. 62, 73, 74. & 9. v. 5-7.
F15 Homer. Odyss. 21. v. 430.
F16 Vid. Gutberleth. Conjectanea p. 162, &c.
F17 Vid. Gusset. Comment. Heb. p. 832.
F18 Hierozoic. par. 2. l. 6. c. 13. col. 847.
F19 Buxtorf. in voce (ddv) , See Weemse's Christian Synagog. p. 144.

Ecclesiastes 2:8 In-Context

6 I made me ponds of water, to water therewith the wood, where the trees are reared.
7 I acquired servants and maidens, and had servants born in my house; also I had great possessions of herds and flocks, above all that had been in Jerusalem before me.
8 I gathered me also silver and gold, and the peculiar treasure of kings and of the provinces; I got me men-singers and women-singers, and the delights of the children of men, a wife and concubines.
9 And I became great, and increased more than all that had been before me in Jerusalem: also my wisdom remained with me.
10 And whatsoever mine eyes desired I kept not from them: I withheld not my heart from any joy; for my heart rejoiced in all my labour, and this was my portion from all my labour.

Footnotes 1

  • [a]. Or 'sons of the Adam;' often in this book. The Adam is also frequent: see Gen. 1.27.
The Darby Translation is in the public domain.