Apocalisse 21

1 POI vidi nuovo cielo, e nuova terra; perciocchè il primo cielo, e la prima terra erano passati, e il mare non era più.
2 Ed io Giovanni vidi la santa città, la nuova Gerusalemme, che scendeva dal cielo, d’appresso a Dio, acconcia come una sposa, adorna per il suo sposo.
3 Ed io udii una gran voce dal cielo, che diceva: Ecco il tabernacolo di Dio con gli uomini, ed egli abiterà con loro; ed essi saranno suo popolo, e Iddio stesso sarà con essi Iddio loro;
4 ed asciugherà ogni lagrima dagli occhi loro, e la morte non sarà più; parimente non vi sarà più cordoglio nè grido, nè travaglio; perciocchè le cose di prima sono passate.
5 E colui che sedeva in sul trono disse: Ecco, io fo ogni cosa nuova. Poi mi disse: Scrivi; perciocchè queste parole son veraci e fedeli.
6 Poi mi disse: È fatto. Io son l’Alfa e l’Omega; il principio e la fine; a chi ha sete io darò in dono della fonte dell’acqua della vita.
7 Chi vince, erederà queste cose; ed io gli sarò Dio, ed egli mi sarà figliuolo.
8 Ma, quant’è a’ codardi, ed agl’increduli, ed a’ peccatori, ed agli abbominevoli, ed a’ micidiali, ed a’ fornicatori, ed a’ maliosi, ed agli idolatri, ed a tutti i mendaci, la parte loro sarà nello stagno ardente di fuoco, e di zolfo, che è la morte seconda.
9 ALLORA venne uno de’ sette angeli, che aveano le sette coppe piene delle sette ultime piaghe; e parlò meco, dicendo: Vieni, io ti mostrerò la sposa, la moglie dell’Agnello.
10 Ed egli mi trasportò in ispirito sopra un grande ed alto monte; e mi mostrò la gran città, la santa Gerusalemme, che scendeva dal cielo, d’appresso a Dio;
11 che avea la gloria di Dio; e il suo luminare era simile ad una pietra preziosissima, a guisa d’una pietra di diaspro trasparente come cristallo.
12 Ed avea un grande ed alto muro; ed avea dodici porte, e in su le porte dodici angeli, e de’ nomi scritti di sopra, che sono i nomi delle dodici tribù dei figliuoli d’Israele.
13 Dall’Oriente v’erano tre porte, dal Settentrione tre porte, dal Mezzodì tre porte, e dall’Occidente tre porte.
14 E il muro della città avea dodici fondamenti, e sopra quelli erano i dodici nomi de’ dodici apostoli dell’Agnello.
15 E colui che parlava meco avea una canna d’oro, da misurar la città, e le sue porte, e il suo muro.
16 E la città era di figura quadrangolare, e la sua lunghezza era uguale alla larghezza; ed egli misurò la città con quella canna, ed era di dodicimila stadi; la lunghezza, la larghezza, e l’altezza sua erano uguali.
17 Misurò ancora il muro d’essa; ed era di cenquarantaquattro cubiti, a misura di uomo, che era quella dell’angelo.
18 E la fabbrica del suo muro era di diaspro; e la città era d’oro puro, simile a vetro puro.
19 E i fondamenti del muro della città erano adorni d’ogni pietra preziosa; il primo fondamento era di diaspro, il secondo di zaffiro, il terzo di calcedonio, il quarto di smeraldo,
20 il quinto di sardonico, il sesto di sardio, il settimo di grisolito, l’ottavo di berillo, il nono di topazio, il decimo di crisopraso, l’undecimo di giacinto, il duodecimo di ametisto.
21 E le dodici porte erano di dodici perle; ciascuna delle porte era d’una perla; e la piazza della città era d’oro puro, a guisa di vetro trasparente.
22 Ed io non vidi in essa alcun tempio; poichè il Signore Iddio onnipotente, e l’Agnello, è il tempio di essa.
23 E la città non ha bisogno del sole, nè della luna, acciocchè risplendano in lei; perciocchè la gloria di Dio l’illumina e l’Agnello è il suo luminare.
24 E le genti cammineranno al lume di essa; e i re della terra porteranno la gloria, e l’onor loro in lei.
25 E le porte d’essa non saranno giammai serrate di giorno, perciocchè ivi non sarà notte alcuna.
26 E in lei si porterà la gloria, e l’onor delle genti.
27 E niente d’immondo, o che commetta abbominazione, o falsità, entrerà in lei; ma sol quelli che sono scritti nel libro della vita dell’Agnello.

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Apocalisse 21 Commentary

Chapter 21

A new heaven, and new earth: the new Jerusalem where God dwells, and banishes all sorrow from his people. (1-8) Its heavenly origin, glory, and secure defence. (9-21) Its perfect happiness, as enlightened with the presence of God and the Lamb, and in the free access of multitudes, made holy. (22-27)

Verses 1-8 The new heaven and the new earth will not be separate from each other; the earth of the saints, their glorified, bodies, will be heavenly. The old world, with all its troubles and tumults, will have passed away. There will be no sea; this aptly represents freedom from conflicting passions, temptations, troubles, changes, and alarms; from whatever can divide or interrupt the communion of saints. This new Jerusalem is the church of God in its new and perfect state, the church triumphant. Its blessedness came wholly from God, and depends on him. The presence of God with his people in heaven, will not be interrupt as it is on earth, he will dwell with them continually. All effects of former trouble shall be done away. They have often been in tears, by reason of sin, of affliction, of the calamities of the church; but no signs, no remembrance of former sorrows shall remain. Christ makes all things new. If we are willing and desirous that the gracious Redeemer should make all things new in order hearts and nature, he will make all things new in respect of our situation, till he has brought us to enjoy complete happiness. See the certainty of the promise. God gives his titles, Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, as a pledge for the full performance. Sensual and sinful pleasures are muddy and poisoned waters; and the best earthly comforts are like the scanty supplies of a cistern; when idolized, they become broken cisterns, and yield only vexation. But the joys which Christ imparts are like waters springing from a fountain, pure, refreshing, abundant, and eternal. The sanctifying consolations of the Holy Spirit prepare for heavenly happiness; they are streams which flow for us in the wilderness. The fearful durst not meet the difficulties of religion, their slavish fear came from their unbelief; but those who were so dastardly as not to dare to take up the cross of Christ, were yet so desperate as to run into abominable wickedness. The agonies and terrors of the first death will lead to the far greater terrors and agonies of eternal death.

Verses 9-21 God has various employments for his holy angels. Sometimes they sound the trumpet of Divine Providence, and warn a careless world; sometimes they discover things of a heavenly nature of the heirs of salvation. Those who would have clear views of heaven, must get as near to heaven as they can, on the mount of meditation and faith. The subject of the vision is the church of God in a perfect, triumphant state, shining in its lustre; glorious in relation to Christ; which shows that the happiness of heaven consists in intercourse with God, and in conformity to him. The change of emblems from a bride to a city, shows that we are only to take general ideas from this description. The wall is for security. Heaven is a safe state; those who are there, are separated and secured from all evils and enemies. This city is vast; here is room for all the people of God. The foundation of the wall; the promise and power of God, and the purchase of Christ, are the strong foundations of the safety and happiness of the church. These foundations are set forth by twelve sorts of precious stones, denoting the variety and excellence of the doctrines of the gospel, or of the graces of the Holy Spirit, or the personal excellences of the Lord Jesus Christ. Heaven has gates; there is a free admission to all that are sanctified; they shall not find themselves shut out. These gates were all of pearls. Christ is the Pearl of great price, and he is our Way to God. The street of the city was pure gold, like transparent glass. The saints in heaven tread gold under foot. The saints are there at rest, yet it is not a state of sleep and idleness; they have communion, not only with God, but with one another. All these glories but faintly represent heaven.

Verses 22-27 Perfect and direct communion with God, will more than supply the place of gospel institutions. And what words can more full express the union and co-equality of the Son with the Father, in the Godhead? What a dismal world would this be, if it were not for the light of the sun! What is there in heaven that supplies its place? The glory of God lightens that city, and the Lamb is the Light thereof. God in Christ will be an everlasting Fountain of knowledge and joy to the saints in heaven. There is no night, therefore no need of shutting the gates; all is at peace and secure. The whole shows us that we should be more and more led to think of heaven as filled with the glory of God, and enlightened by the presence of the Lord Jesus. Nothing sinful or unclean, idolatrous, or false and deceitful, can enter. All the inhabitants are made perfect in holiness. Now the saints feel a sad mixture of corruption, which hinders them in the service of God, and interrupts their communion with him; but, at their entrance into the holy of holies, they are washed in the laver of Christ's blood, and presented to the Father without spot. None are admitted into heaven who work abominations. It is free from hypocrites, such as make lies. As nothing unclean can enter heaven, let us be stirred up by these glimpses of heavenly things, to use all diligence, and to perfect holiness in the fear of God.

Chapter Summary


This chapter contains an account of the happy state of the church, consisting of all the elect, both Jews and Gentiles, which will take place upon the first resurrection, and will continue during the thousand years' reign mentioned in the preceding chapter. The seat of the church in these happy times will be the new heaven and the new earth, Re 21:1 the church that will dwell there is described by its names, the holy city, and new Jerusalem; by its descent, from heaven; and by its state and ornament, being prepared and adorned as a bride for her husband, Re 21:2 and her happiness is expressed by the presence of God with her, and communion with him enjoyed by her, and by a freedom from all evils endured in the present state of things, Re 21:3,4 after which John hears the voice of him that sat on the throne, declaring himself to be the author of the new heaven and earth; ordering him to write, that what had been said was true and faithful; affirming that things were now done and finished; calling himself the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end: promising grace to the thirsty soul, the inheritance of all things to the overcomer, and also divine sonship; and threatening the second death to sinners, whose characters are given, Re 21:5-8 next John has a vision of the bride before spoken of; the preface to it is in Re 21:9,10 in which is signified that one of the seven angels that had the seven vials talked to him in a very free and familiar manner, and proposed to show him the Lamb's wife; and in order to it carried him to an exceeding high mountain, and showed him the city before mentioned, said to be great, holy, and heavenly; and which is described by the glory of God upon it, and the light that was in it, comparable to a crystal jasper stone, Re 21:11 by its wall, which is great and high; and by its, gates and foundations; its gates are in number twelve, twelve angels at them, and on them written the twelve names of the children of Israel, and these situated three at each point, east, west, north, and south; and its foundations are also twelve, having the names of the twelve apostles on them, Re 21:12-14 by the measure of it, which the angel took with his golden read; of the city, which was twelve thousand furlongs, it being four square, and its length, breadth, and height equal; and of the wall, which was a hundred forty and four cubits, Re 21:15-17 and next the city is described by the matter of which it was built; the wall of jasper the city of pure gold, like to clear glass; the foundations of precious stone, each foundation being of one stone; the gates of pearls, each gate being of one pearl; the street of the city of pure gold, like transparent glass, Re 21:18-21 and then by the temple in it, which is no other than the Lord God and the Lamb; and by the light, which is the same, it having no need of sun or moon, Re 21:22,23 and next by its inhabitants, the nations of the saved ones, who walk in its light, and the kings of the earth, that bring their honour and glory to it; by its safety and security, and by the purity of it, none but undefiled persons, and such who are written in the Lamb's book of life, being admitted into it, Re 21:24-27.

Apocalisse 21 Commentaries

The Giovanni Diodati Bible is in the public domain.