Luca 15:19

19 e non son più degno d’esser chiamato tuo figliuolo; fammi come uno de’ tuoi mercenari.

Luca 15:19 Meaning and Commentary

Luke 15:19

And am no more worthy to be called thy son
As all the Jews were; not only by creation, and providential care, as all men are; but by national adoption: and however worthy this man might think himself to be called a Son of God before, and value himself upon it; he now sees, and was ready to own his unworthiness to be called so in any sense; and much more to be called and accounted a Son of God by special adoption;

make me as one of thy hired servants;
this is said not from a servile spirit, but to express the mean thoughts he had of himself, and the great desire he had to be fed from his father's table, in the meanest way; and what an happiness and honour it would be to him, could he be the meanest in his family, a doorkeeper in his house; which was more eligible to him, than to dwell in the tents of sin, or continue in this hungry and starving condition.

Luca 15:19 In-Context

17 Ora, ritornato a sè medesimo, disse: Quanti mercenari di mio padre hanno del pane largamente, ed io mi muoio di fame!
18 Io mi leverò, e me ne andrò a mio padre, e gli dirò: Padre, io ho peccato contro al cielo, e davanti a te;
19 e non son più degno d’esser chiamato tuo figliuolo; fammi come uno de’ tuoi mercenari.
20 Egli adunque si levò, e venne a suo padre; ed essendo egli ancora lontano, suo padre lo vide, e n’ebbe pietà; e corse, e gli si gettò al collo, e lo baciò.
21 E il figliuolo gli disse: Padre, io ho peccato contro al cielo, e davanti a te, e non son più degno d’esser chiamato tuo figliuolo.
The Giovanni Diodati Bible is in the public domain.