Jacó deu a Esaú pão e o guisado e lentilhas; e ele comeu e bebeu; e, levantando-se, seguiu seu caminho. Assim desprezou Esaú o seu direito de primogenitura.
Then Jacob gave him some bread and some of the soup. He ate and drank and then got up and left. That was all Esau cared about his rights as the first-born son.
Then Jacob gave him some bread and some of the soup. He ate and drank and then got up and left. That was all Esau cared about his rights as the first-born son.
Then Jacob gave Esau a meal of bread and lentils. He ate and drank, and then he got up and left. This is how Esau showed his contempt for his rights as firstborn.
Then Jacob gave Esau of the bread and of the pottage of lentils; and he ate and drank, and rose up, and went away. Thus Esau despised his birthright.
Then Jacob gave Esau bread and vegetable soup, and he ate and drank, and then left. So Esau showed how little he cared about his rights as the firstborn son.
Jacob gave Esau some bread and some lentil stew. Esau ate and drank. Then he got up and left. So Esau didn't care anything at all about the rights that belonged to him as the oldest son.
Entonces Jacob le dio a Esaú guiso de lentejas y algo de pan. Esaú comió, y luego se levantó y se fue. Así mostró desprecio por sus derechos del hijo mayor.
Jacob, por su parte, le dio a Esaú pan y guiso de lentejas.Luego de comer y beber, Esaú se levantó y se fue. De esta manera menospreció sus derechos de hijo mayor.
Então Jacó serviu a Esaú pão com ensopado de lentilhas. Ele comeu e bebeu, levantou-se e se foi.Assim Esaú desprezou o seu direito de filho mais velho.
And so when he had taken bread and pottage, Esau ate and drank, and went forth, and charged little that he had sold the right(s) of the first begotten child (and cared little that he had sold his birthright as the first-born son).