2 Maccabees 15:33

33 Then he cut out the tongue of that godless man, promising to feed it bit by bit to the birds and to hang up his head opposite the Temple, as evidence of what his foolishness did for him.

2 Maccabees 15:33 In-Context

31 When they arrived in the city, he called together all the people, stationed the priests before the altar, and sent for the men in the fort.
32 He showed them the head of the evil Nicanor and the arm which that wicked man had arrogantly stretched out against the sacred Temple of the Almighty God.
33 Then he cut out the tongue of that godless man, promising to feed it bit by bit to the birds and to hang up his head opposite the Temple, as evidence of what his foolishness did for him.
34 Everyone there looked up to heaven and praised the Lord, who had revealed his power and had kept his Temple from being defiled.
35 Judas hung Nicanor's head from the wall of the fort, as a clear proof to everyone of the Lord's help.
Scripture taken from the Good News Translation - Second Edition, Copyright 1992 by American Bible Society. Used by Permission.