Joel 1:10

10 The fields are ruined, the ground is dried up; the grain is destroyed, the new wine is dried up, the olive oil fails.

Joel 1:10 in Other Translations

King James Version (KJV)
10 The field is wasted, the land mourneth; for the corn is wasted: the new wine is dried up, the oil languisheth.
English Standard Version (ESV)
10 The fields are destroyed, the ground mourns, because the grain is destroyed, the wine dries up, the oil languishes.
New Living Translation (NLT)
10 The fields are ruined, the land is stripped bare. The grain is destroyed, the grapes have shriveled, and the olive oil is gone.
The Message Bible (MSG)
10 The fields are sterile. The very ground grieves. The wheat fields are lifeless, vineyards dried up, olive oil gone.
American Standard Version (ASV)
10 The field is laid waste, the land mourneth; for the grain is destroyed, the new wine is dried up, the oil languisheth.
GOD'S WORD Translation (GW)
10 Israel's fields are ruined, and the ground is dried up. The grain has been destroyed. The new wine has dried up. The olive oil has run out.
Holman Christian Standard Bible (CSB)
10 The fields are destroyed; the land grieves; indeed, the grain is destroyed; the new wine is dried up; and the olive oil fails.
New International Reader's Version (NIRV)
10 Our fields are wiped out. The ground is dried up. The grain is destroyed. The fresh wine is gone. And there isn't any more olive oil.

Joel 1:10 Meaning and Commentary

Joel 1:10

The field is wasted
By the locust, that eat up all green things, the grass and herbs, the fruit and leaves of trees; and also by the Chaldeans trampling on it with their horses, and the increase of which became fodder for them: the land mourneth;
being destitute, nothing growing upon it, and so looked dismally, and of a horrid aspect; or the inhabitants of it, for want of provision: for the corn is wasted;
by the locusts, and so by the Assyrian or Chaldean army, before it came to perfection: the new wine is dried up:
in the grape, through the drought after mentioned: or, "is ashamed" F18; not answering the expectations of men, who saw it in the cluster, promising much, but failed: the oil languisheth;
or "sickens" F19; the olive trees withered; the olives fell off, as the Targum, and so the oil failed: the corn, wine, and oil, are particularly mentioned, not only as being the chief support of human life, as Kimchi observes, and so the loss of them must be matter of lamentation to the people in general; but because of these the meat and drink offerings were, and therefore the priests in particular had reason to mourn.


F18 (vybwh) "erubuit", Tigurine version, Mercer, Liveleus; "puduit", Drusius, Tarnovius; "pudefit", Cocceius.
F19 (llma) "infirmatum est", Montanus. So some in Vatablus.

Joel 1:10 In-Context

8 Mourn like a virgin in sackcloth grieving for the betrothed of her youth.
9 Grain offerings and drink offerings are cut off from the house of the LORD. The priests are in mourning, those who minister before the LORD.
10 The fields are ruined, the ground is dried up; the grain is destroyed, the new wine is dried up, the olive oil fails.
11 Despair, you farmers, wail, you vine growers; grieve for the wheat and the barley, because the harvest of the field is destroyed.
12 The vine is dried up and the fig tree is withered; the pomegranate, the palm and the apple tree— all the trees of the field—are dried up. Surely the people’s joy is withered away.

Cross References 3

  • 1. S Isaiah 5:6; S Isaiah 24:4; S Jeremiah 3:3
  • 2. S Hosea 9:2
  • 3. S Numbers 18:12
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