John 11:11

11 After he had said this, he went on to tell them, “Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep; but I am going there to wake him up.”

John 11:11 in Other Translations

King James Version (KJV)
11 These things said he: and after that he saith unto them, Our friend Lazarus sleepeth; but I go, that I may awake him out of sleep.
English Standard Version (ESV)
11 After saying these things, he said to them, "Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep, but I go to awaken him."
New Living Translation (NLT)
11 Then he said, “Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep, but now I will go and wake him up.”
The Message Bible (MSG)
11 He said these things, and then announced, "Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep. I'm going to wake him up."
American Standard Version (ASV)
11 These things spake he: and after this he saith unto them, Our friend Lazarus is fallen asleep; but I go, that I may awake him out of sleep.
GOD'S WORD Translation (GW)
11 After Jesus said this, he told his disciples, "Our friend Lazarus is sleeping, and I'm going to Bethany to wake him."
Holman Christian Standard Bible (CSB)
11 He said this, and then He told them, "Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep, but I'm on My way to wake him up."
New International Reader's Version (NIRV)
11 After he said this, Jesus went on speaking to them. "Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep," he said. "But I am going there to wake him up."

John 11:11 Meaning and Commentary

John 11:11

These things said he
In answer to his disciples, and made a pause.

And after that he saith unto them, our friend Lazarus sleepeth;
meaning, that he was dead; in which sense the word is often used in the Old Testament, and in the common dialect of the Jews, and frequently in their writings; and especially it is so used of good men: and it is an observation of theirs F2, that

``it is usual to say of the righteous, that there is no death in them, (hnyv ala) , "but sleep";''

(See Gill on Matthew 9:24), (See Gill on 1 Corinthians 15:18), (See Gill on 1 Corinthians 15:20), (See Gill on 1 Thessalonians 4:13), (See Gill on 1 Thessalonians 4:14);

but I go, that I may awake him out of sleep;
that is, to raise him from the dead, for, the resurrection of the dead is expressed by awaking; see ( Psalms 17:15 ) ( Isaiah 26:19 ) ( Daniel 12:2 ) ; which for Christ to do, was as easy as to awake a man out of natural sleep: these words respecting Lazarus's sleeping and awaking, express both the omniscience and omnipotence of Christ; his omniscience, that he should know that Lazarus was dead; when at such a distance from him; and his omnipotence, that he could raise him from the dead; and yet his great modesty to signify it in, such covert language, though not difficult to be understood.


F2 Gloss in T. Hieros. Celaim in En Yaacob, fol. 4. 4.

John 11:11 In-Context

9 Jesus answered, “Are there not twelve hours of daylight? Anyone who walks in the daytime will not stumble, for they see by this world’s light.
10 It is when a person walks at night that they stumble, for they have no light.”
11 After he had said this, he went on to tell them, “Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep; but I am going there to wake him up.”
12 His disciples replied, “Lord, if he sleeps, he will get better.”
13 Jesus had been speaking of his death, but his disciples thought he meant natural sleep.

Cross References 2

Scripture quoted by permission.  Quotations designated (NIV) are from THE HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®.  NIV®.  Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica.  All rights reserved worldwide.