John 18:7

7 Again he asked them, “Who is it you want?”“Jesus of Nazareth,” they said.

John 18:7 in Other Translations

King James Version (KJV)
7 Then asked he them again,Whom seek ye? And they said, Jesus of Nazareth.
English Standard Version (ESV)
7 So he asked them again, "Whom do you seek?" And they said, "Jesus of Nazareth."
New Living Translation (NLT)
7 Once more he asked them, “Who are you looking for?” And again they replied, “Jesus the Nazarene.”
The Message Bible (MSG)
7 Jesus asked again, "Who are you after?" They answered, "Jesus the Nazarene."
American Standard Version (ASV)
7 Again therefore he asked them, Whom seek ye? And they said, Jesus of Nazareth.
GOD'S WORD Translation (GW)
7 Jesus asked them again, "Who are you looking for?" They said, "Jesus from Nazareth."
Holman Christian Standard Bible (CSB)
7 Then He asked them again, "Who is it you're looking for?" "Jesus the Nazarene," they said.
New International Reader's Version (NIRV)
7 He asked them again, "Who is it that you want?" They said, "Jesus of Nazareth."

John 18:7 Meaning and Commentary

John 18:7

Then asked he them again, whom seek ye?
&c.] This supposes them to be risen up again and on their feet; no hurt being done to them; for Christ always did good, and not hurt, to the bodies of men; he never disabled any, or took away life, or limb: he only did this to show his power, and not to do them any real damage; and the same divine person that struck them down, suffered them to rise, and gave them power and strength to get up; which showed his great clemency and goodness: but they, on the contrary, persisted in their wicked intentions, and were still seeking after him; a plain proof of that judicial hardness of heart, under which they were; and that even miracles wrought will not bring hardened sinners to repentance without powerful and efficacious grace. When Christ, as fearless of them, and to show that this action he had no design to make his escape them, though he could easily have done it, and that he was willing to be apprehended by them, puts the question a second time, and asks them who they were seeking for. Something like this Josephus F2 reports concerning Elisha the prophet, though not repeated as here, nor attended with the like effect: he relates that Elisha having requested of God that he would smite his enemies with blindness, and that being granted he went into the midst of them, and asked them, (tina epizhtountev hlyon) , "whom do ye come to seek?" they say Elisha the prophet: he promised them to deliver him to them, if they would follow him into the city, where he was; and so they being blinded by God, both in their sight and in their mind, followed the prophet.

They said Jesus of Nazareth;
having recovered their spirits, and being hardened in desperate malice and wickedness, impudently make this reply to him; nor would they, notwithstanding this instance of his power, own him to be the Messiah; but still contemptuously style him Jesus of Nazareth.


F2 Antiqu. l. 9. c. 4. sect. 3.

John 18:7 In-Context

5 “Jesus of Nazareth,” they replied. “I am he,” Jesus said. (And Judas the traitor was standing there with them.)
6 When Jesus said, “I am he,” they drew back and fell to the ground.
7 Again he asked them, “Who is it you want?”“Jesus of Nazareth,” they said.
8 Jesus answered, “I told you that I am he. If you are looking for me, then let these men go.”
9 This happened so that the words he had spoken would be fulfilled: “I have not lost one of those you gave me.”

Cross References 1

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