Micah 3:7

7 The seers will be ashamed and the diviners disgraced. They will all cover their faces because there is no answer from God.”

Micah 3:7 in Other Translations

King James Version (KJV)
7 Then shall the seers be ashamed, and the diviners confounded: yea, they shall all cover their lips; for there is no answer of God.
English Standard Version (ESV)
7 the seers shall be disgraced, and the diviners put to shame; they shall all cover their lips, for there is no answer from God.
New Living Translation (NLT)
7 Then you seers will be put to shame, and you fortune-tellers will be disgraced. And you will cover your faces because there is no answer from God.”
The Message Bible (MSG)
7 Visionaries will be confused, experts will be all mixed up. They'll hide behind their reputations and make lame excuses to cover up their God-ignorance."
American Standard Version (ASV)
7 And the seers shall be put to shame, and the diviners confounded; yea, they shall all cover their lips; for there is no answer of God.
GOD'S WORD Translation (GW)
7 Seers will be put to shame. Those who practice witchcraft will be disgraced. All of them will cover their faces, because God won't answer them.
Holman Christian Standard Bible (CSB)
7 Then the seers will be ashamed and the diviners disappointed. They will all cover their mouths because there will be no answer from God.
New International Reader's Version (NIRV)
7 You who see visions will be put to shame. You who try to figure out what is going to happen will be dishonored. All of you will cover your faces. I will not answer you."

Micah 3:7 Meaning and Commentary

Micah 3:7

Then shall the seers be ashamed, and the diviners confounded,
&c.] When the events of things will make it most clearly appear to all that their visions, divinations, and prophecies, are false; they will not be able to lift up their heads, or show their faces, but shame and confusion will cover them: yea, they shall all cover their lips;
stop their mouths, hold their tongues, and be entirely and totally silenced; they will not pretend to utter any other vision or prophecy; nor be able to say one word in defence of themselves, and of what they have before prophesied; every thing in providence being contrary to what they had said, and agreeable to the words of the true prophets; or they shall cover their lips as mourners; as the Targum adds, by way of explanation; see ( Ezekiel 24:17 Ezekiel 24:22 ) . It is said F5 there were two gates in Solomon's temple; one called the gate of the bridegrooms, the other the gate of mourners; to those that entered the latter, if their lip was covered, it was said, he that dwells in this house comfort thee; and so the lips of the false prophets being covered may signify that they were now sorry for what they had done, at least because of the calamities on them and the people; though the former sense seems best: for [there is] no answer of God;
not that they shall be ashamed and silenced because they shall now have no answer of God, for they never had any, which this would imply; but that it shall now be most plain and clear to all that the Lord never spoke by them, and they never had any answer from him; all their visions, divinations, and prophecies, were of, themselves, and not of him; what they delivered was not the word of the Lord, but their own; and this now being discovered and manifest to everyone, wilt put them to utter silence and shame. The Targum is,

``for there is not in them a spirit of prophecy from the Lord.''


F5 R. Jacob, Sepher Musar, c. 9. apud Drusii Proverb. class. 2. l. 21. sect. 194.

Micah 3:7 In-Context

5 This is what the LORD says: “As for the prophets who lead my people astray, they proclaim ‘peace’ if they have something to eat, but prepare to wage war against anyone who refuses to feed them.
6 Therefore night will come over you, without visions, and darkness, without divination. The sun will set for the prophets, and the day will go dark for them.
7 The seers will be ashamed and the diviners disgraced. They will all cover their faces because there is no answer from God.”
8 But as for me, I am filled with power, with the Spirit of the LORD, and with justice and might, to declare to Jacob his transgression, to Israel his sin.
9 Hear this, you leaders of Jacob, you rulers of Israel, who despise justice and distort all that is right;

Cross References 5

  • 1. S Jeremiah 6:15; Micah 7:16
  • 2. S Isaiah 44:25
  • 3. S Esther 6:12
  • 4. S Leviticus 13:45
  • 5. S Ezekiel 20:3
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