Mark 8:10

10 He himself went straight to the boat with his disciples and set out for Dalmanoutha.

Mark 8:10 Meaning and Commentary

Mark 8:10

And straightway he entered into a ship, with his disciples,
&c.] As soon as ever he had, dismissed the multitude, he took shipping with his disciples; for he was at the sea of Galilee, either at a place near it, or upon the shore of it; see ( Mark 7:31 ) ;

and came into the parts of Dalmanutha;
which Matthew calls, "the coasts of Magdala"; (See Gill on Matthew 15:39). The Arabic version reads it, "Magdal"; and in two of Beza's copies it is read, "Madegada"; but the Syriac version reads, "Dalmanutha"; and the Persic, "Dalmanuth"; and the Ethiopic, "Dalmathy": it was a city in the coasts of Magdala, and is thought by Dr. Lightfoot to be the same with Tzalmon, or Salmon, a place often mentioned F6 in the Jewish writings.


F6 Misn. Celaim, c. 4. sect. 9. & Yebarnot, c. 16. sect. 6. T. Bab. Bava Bathra, fol. 82. 2.

Mark 8:10 In-Context

8 The crowd ate its fill. Seven sacks of leftovers were collected.
9 There were well over four thousand at the meal. Then he sent them home.
10 He himself went straight to the boat with his disciples and set out for Dalmanoutha.
11 When they arrived, the Pharisees came out and started in on him, badgering him to prove himself, pushing him up against the wall.
12 Provoked, he said, "Why does this generation clamor for miraculous guarantees? If I have anything to say about it, you'll not get so much as a hint of a guarantee."
Published by permission. Originally published by NavPress in English as THE MESSAGE: The Bible in Contemporary Language copyright 2002 by Eugene Peterson. All rights reserved.