Genesis 34:13

13 Jacob's sons answered Shechem and his father with lies, because Shechem had disgraced their sister Dinah.

Genesis 34:13 Meaning and Commentary

Genesis 34:13

And the sons of Jacob answered Shechem and Hamor deceitfully,
&c.] Proposing the marriage of their sister on terms after mentioned, when they never intended it should ever be: Onkelos, Jonathan, and Jarchi interpret it, "with wisdom", as if they answered wisely and prudently, but the word is never used in a good sense; and if it was wisdom, it was carnal wisdom and wicked cunning, and was disapproved of by plain hearted Jacob:

and said:
or spoke in this deceitful manner:

because he had defiled Dinah their sister;
and therefore were filled with indignation at him, and fired with resentment against him, and vowed within themselves revenge upon him.

Genesis 34:13 In-Context

11 Shechem also talked to Jacob and to Dinah's brothers and said, "Please accept my offer. I will give anything you ask.
12 Ask as much as you want for the payment for the bride, and I will give it to you. Just let me marry Dinah."
13 Jacob's sons answered Shechem and his father with lies, because Shechem had disgraced their sister Dinah.
14 The brothers said to them, "We cannot allow you to marry our sister, because you are not circumcised. That would be a disgrace to us.
15 But we will allow you to marry her if you do this one thing: Every man in your town must be circumcised like us.
Scripture taken from the New Century Version. Copyright © 1987, 1988, 1991 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.