Romanos 10:8

8 ¿Qué afirma entonces? «La palabra está cerca de ti; la tienes en la boca y en el corazón».[a] Esta es la palabra de fe que predicamos:

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Romanos 10:8 Meaning and Commentary

Romans 10:8

But what saith it
The Scripture; so some copies, and the Vulgate Latin and Ethiopic version read, "what saith the Scripture?" the Arabic version, "what dost thou say?" or "what saith he", Moses? for what follow are manifestly his words, in ( Deuteronomy 30:14 ) ,

the word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart;
which is to be understood not of the law, for Moses himself is not speaking of the law only, but either of the whole word of God, both law and Gospel; or particularly of the Gospel, which holds forth those special blessings and promises of grace, pardon of sin, and circumcision of the heart, which are mentioned in the context, as what should be bestowed upon the people of the Jews in the latter days; and so is rightly applied by the apostle to the then dispensation, and is to be understood of the Gospel; which was nigh both in the ministration of it, by the apostles, to Jews and Gentiles, and in the application and experience of it; it was not only "in the mouth" of the preachers, but also of the hearers of it, by a hearty and sincere confession; and "in [their] hearts", being attended with the power of God, and received in the love of it, was truly believed in, and cordially embraced;

that is, the word of faith.
This phrase, (atwnmyhmd hlm) , "the word of faith", may be seen in the Jewish writings F26; and this shows what word is here meant, even the Gospel so called, because it contains doctrines which are to be believed upon the testimony of God, and particularly the doctrine of justification by the righteousness of Christ received by faith; and because it proposes Christ as the object of faith, and encourages souls to believe in him for life and salvation; and is also the means of begetting and implanting faith in the heart, and without it the preaching of it is of no avail: and it is further described by the ministration of it,

which we preach;
being sent, commissioned, qualified, and assisted by Christ thereunto; which shows the agreement between Moses and the apostles of Christ; for the word which he spoke of, they preached, and indeed said no other things than what the prophets and Moses said should come, that Christ should suffer in the stead of his people, and rise again for their justification; the sum of which is delivered in ( Romans 10:9 ) .


F26 Zohar. in Gen. fol. 45. 4.

Romanos 10:8 In-Context

6 Pero la justicia que se basa en la fe afirma: «No digas en tu corazón: “¿Quién subirá al cielo?” (es decir, para hacer bajar a Cristo),
7 o “¿Quién bajará al abismo?”» (es decir, para hacer subir a Cristo de entre los muertos).
8 ¿Qué afirma entonces? «La palabra está cerca de ti; la tienes en la boca y en el corazón». Esta es la palabra de fe que predicamos:
9 que si confiesas con tu boca que Jesús es el Señor, y crees en tu corazón que Dios lo levantó de entre los muertos, serás salvo.
10 Porque con el corazón se cree para ser justificado, pero con la boca se confiesa para ser salvo.

Footnotes 1

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