Jeremias 38:6-13

6 Assim, pegaram Jeremias e o jogaram na cisterna de Malquias, filho do rei, a qual ficava no pátio da guarda. Baixaram Jeremias por meio de cordas para dentro da cisterna. Não havia água na cisterna, mas somente lama; e Jeremias afundou na lama.
7 Mas Ebede-Meleque, o etíope, oficial[a] do palácio real, ouviu que eles tinham jogado Jeremias na cisterna. Ora, o rei estava sentado junto à porta de Benjamim,
8 e Ebede-Meleque saiu do palácio e foi dizer-lhe:
9 “Ó rei, meu senhor, esses homens cometeram um mal em tudo o que fizeram ao profeta Jeremias. Eles o jogaram numa cisterna para que morra de fome, pois já não há mais pão na cidade”.
10 Então o rei ordenou a Ebede-Meleque, o etíope: “Leve com você três homens sob as suas ordens e retire o profeta Jeremias da cisterna antes que ele morra”.
11 Então Ebede-Meleque levou consigo os homens que estavam sob as suas ordens e foi à sala que fica debaixo da tesouraria do palácio. Pegou alguns trapos e roupas velhas e desceu cordas até Jeremias na cisterna.
12 Ebede-Meleque, o etíope, disse a Jeremias: “Põe esses trapos e roupas velhas debaixo dos braços para servirem de almofada para as cordas”. E Jeremias assim fez.
13 Assim, com as cordas o puxaram para cima e o tiraram da cisterna.E Jeremias permaneceu no pátio da guarda.

Jeremias 38:6-13 Meaning and Commentary


This chapter is taken up in giving an account of Jeremiah's being cast into a dungeon; his deliverance from it; and private conversation with King Zedekiah. The occasion of the prophet's being cast into a dungeon was his discourse to the people, which four of the princes represented to the king as seditious, and moved to have him put to death; and, being delivered into their hands, was put into a miry dungeon, Jer 38:1-6. Ebedmelech, the Ethiopian, hearing of his miserable case, represented it to the king, and interceded for his release; which being granted, with the help of thirty men, and by means of old clouts and rotten rags, let down by cords, drew him up, and placed him in the court of the prison, Jer 38:7-13. King Zedekiah sends for Jeremiah, and has a private conference with him about the state of affairs; when the prophet faithfully told him how things would issue, and gave him his best advice, Jer 38:14-23; upon parting, the king desires the conference might be kept a secret from the princes, which was accordingly done, Jer 38:24-27; and Jeremiah remained in the court of the prison till the taking of Jerusalem, Jer 38:28.

Footnotes 1

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