1 Pietro 4:6-16

6 Poichè per questo è stato predicato l’evangelo ancora a’ morti, acciocchè fossero giudicati in carne, secondo gli uomini; ma vivessero in ispirito, secondo Iddio.
7 Or la fine d’ogni cosa è vicina; siate adunque temperati, e vigilanti alle orazioni.
8 Avendo, innanzi ad ogni cosa, la carità intensa gli uni inverso gli altri; perciocchè la carità coprirà moltitudine di peccati.
9 Siate volonterosi albergatori gli uni degli altri, senza mormorii.
10 Secondo che ciascuno ha ricevuto alcun dono, amministratelo gli uni agli altri, come buoni dispensatori della svariata grazia di Dio.
11 Se alcuno parla, parli come gli oracoli di Dio; se alcuno ministra, faccialo come per lo potere che Iddio fornisce; acciocchè in ogni cosa sia glorificato Iddio per Gesù Cristo, a cui appartiene la gloria e l’imperio, ne’ secoli de’ secoli. Amen.
12 Diletti, non vi smarrite, come se vi avvenisse cosa strana, d’esser messi al cimento; il che si fa per provarvi.
13 Anzi, in quanto partecipate le sofferenze di Cristo, rallegratevi; acciocchè ancora nell’apparizione della sua gloria voi vi rallegriate giubilando.
14 Se siete vituperati per lo nome di Cristo, beati voi; poichè lo Spirito di gloria e di Dio, riposa sopra voi; ben è egli, quant’è a loro, bestemmiato; ma, quant’è a voi, è glorificato.
15 Perciocchè, niun di voi patisca come micidiale, o ladro, o malfattore, o curante le cose che non gli appartengono.
16 Ma, se patisce come Cristiano, non si vergogni; anzi glorifichi Iddio in questa parte.

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1 Pietro 4:6-16 Meaning and Commentary


In this chapter the apostle goes on to exhort to an holy life and conversation, and to the several duties of religion, and to suffer cheerfully for the sake of Christ. From the consideration of Christ's sufferings, he exhorts the saints to arm themselves with the same mind, and cease from sin, and live no longer to the lusts of men, but to the will of God, 1Pe 4:1,2 the reason, or argument engaging to it, is taken from the past time of life, in which they walked in all manner of sin, and which ought to suffice, though they should be spoken evil of by wicked men, for not continuing therein, 1Pe 4:3,4 and to fortify their minds against such abuses, the apostle takes notice of the general judgment, when such persons must give an account for their evil speaking to the Judge of quick and dead; and that though those to whom the Gospel is preached, and embrace it, suffer death for it, being judged of men in their bodies, yet they live to God in their souls, 1Pe 4:5,6 and seeing the end of all things is near, he exhorts to various things, as to sobriety, watchfulness unto prayer, and especially to fervent charity, since that covers a multitude of sins, 1Pe 4:7,8 and to hospitality, without grudging, and to a communication of all good things, as faithful stewards of them, 1Pe 4:9,10 and particularly to the dispensation of the Gospel, according to the word of God; and to a ministration to the poor, according to a man's ability, with a view to the glory of God, by Christ, 1Pe 4:11 and next, the apostle proceeds to comfort the saints under reproaches and persecutions, and to instruct them how to behave under such circumstances; as that they should not think such things strange, though grievous, since they were for the trial of their graces, 1Pe 4:12 but should rather rejoice, since they were partakers of the sufferings of Christ now, and should share in his glory when revealed, which would make them exceeding glad, 1Pe 4:13 yea, inasmuch as it was for the name of Christ they suffered reproach, they ought to reckon themselves happy persons; since the glorious Spirit of God rested on them, and since the issue of it was, the glorifying of God by them, though he was evil spoken of by those that reproached them, 1Pe 4:14 indeed, they ought not to suffer as persons guilty of capital crimes; should they, they would have reason to be ashamed, but not since they suffered as Christians; but, on the contrary, should give glory to God for it, who had done them so much honour as to call them to it, 1Pe 4:15,16, and to reconcile their minds to sufferings, he observes, that the time was come, that afflictions should begin with the people of God, on account of which, the righteous are scarcely saved, though certainly; and that, therefore, sad must be the state of the disobedient and ungodly, even of their wicked persecutors, 1Pe 4:17,18 wherefore, upon the whole, seeing it was the will of God they should suffer, they ought to suffer patiently, and, in well doing, commit the care of their souls to their faithful Creator, 1Pe 4:19.

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