Ester 1:2-12

2 que, estando o rei Assuero assentado no seu trono do seu reino em Susã, a capital,
3 no terceiro ano de seu reinado, deu um banquete a todos os seus príncipes e seus servos, estando assim perante ele o poder da Pérsia e da Média, os nobres e os oficiais das províncias.
4 Nessa ocasião ostentou as riquezas do seu glorioso reino, e o esplendor da sua excelente grandeza, por muitos dias, a saber cento e oitenta dias.
5 E, acabado aqueles dias, deu o rei um banquete a todo povo que se achava em Susã, a capital, tanto a grandes como a pequenos, por sete dias, no pátio do jardim do palácio real.
6 As cortinas eram de pano branco verde e azul celeste, atadas com cordões de linho fino e de púrpura a argola de prata e a colunas de mármore; os leitos eram de ouro e prata sobre um pavimento mosaico de pórfiro, de mármore, de madrepérola e de pedras preciosas.
7 Dava-se de beber em copos de ouro, os quais eram diferentes uns dos outros; e havia vinho real em abundância, segundo a generosidade do rei.
8 E bebiam como estava prescrito, sem constrangimento; pois o rei tinha ordenado a todos os oficiais do palácio que fizessem conforme a vontade de cada um.
9 Também a rainha Vasti deu um banquete �s mulheres no palácio do rei Assuero.
10 Ao sétimo dia, o rei, estando já o seu coração alegre do vinho, mandou a Meumã, Bizta, Harbona, Bigta, Abagta, Zétar e Carcás, os sete eunucos que serviam na presença do rei Assuero,
11 que introduzissem � presença do rei a rainha Vasti, com a coroa real, para mostrar aos povos e aos príncipes a sua formosura, pois era formosíssima.
12 A rainha Vasti, porém, recusou atender � ordem do rei dada por intermédio dos eunucos; pelo que o rei muito se enfureceu, e se inflamou de ira.

Ester 1:2-12 Meaning and Commentary


This book has its name from the person who is the principal subject of it; it is by Clemens of Alexandria {a} called the Book of Mordecai also; it is commonly called, in the Hebrew copies, "Megillah Esther", the Volume of Esther; and sometimes in the Jewish writings only "Megillah", by way of eminency, "the Volume". It was written, according to the Talmudists {b}, by the men of the great synagogue, composed by Ezra; and some think it was written by Ezra himself {c}; but Aben Ezra is of opinion it was written by Mordecai, since he was concerned in, and had perfect knowledge of, all things related in it; which is rejected by Spinosa {d}, who conceits that this, and the books of Daniel, Ezra, and Nehemiah, were written by one and the same historian long after the times of Judas Maccabaeus: as to the canonical authority of it, it has been generally received by Jews and Christians; our wise men, says Maimonides {e}, openly and plainly affirm of the book of Esther, that it was dictated by the Holy Spirit; so Aben Ezra on Es 6:6, and he himself {f} affirms, that

``all the books of the prophets, and all the Hagiographa (or holy writings), shall cease in the days of the Messiah, except the volume of Esther; and, lo, that shall be as stable as the Pentateuch, and as the constitutions of the oral law, which shall never cease.''

Though the versions of other books of Scripture might not be read in the synagogues, versions of this book might to those who did not understand Hebrew {g}; and so Luther {h} says, the Jews more esteem the book of Esther than any of the prophets. Whence Mr. Baxter {i} had that notion, I can not devise, that the Jews used to cast to the ground the book of Esther before they read it, because the name of God was not in it: nor is that any objection to its authenticity, since the hand and providence of God may be most clearly seen in it; in raising Esther to such grandeur, and that for the deliverance of the people of the Jews, and in counter working and bringing to nought the plots of their enemies, and in saving them: nor that it is not quoted in the New Testament; it is sufficient there is no disagreement between them, yea, an entire agreement, particularly in the account of the captivity of Jeconiah, which is expressed almost in the same words in Es 2:6 as in Mt 1:11,12. It stands in Origen's catalogue {k} of the books of the Old Testament; nor is it any material objection that it appears not in the catalogue of Melito {l}, since in that list is comprehended under Ezra not Nehemiah only, but Esther also, which Jerom {m} mentions along with it. This book is not only of use to the Jews, as it shows the original and foundation of a feast of theirs, still kept up by them, the feast of Purim, and makes for the glory of their nation, and therefore it is no wonder it should be so highly esteemed by them; but serves to show the singular providence of God in taking care of his people in adversity, in humbling the proud, and exalting the lowly, and saving those that pray to him, and trust in him; it furnishes out various instructions in the conduct of the several persons herein mentioned; it is a history but of ten or eleven years at most, from the third of Ahasuerus, to the twelfth of his reign, Es 1:3, 3:7.

{a} Stromat. l. 1. p. 329. {b} T. Bava Bathra, fol. 15. 1. {c} August. de Civ. Dei, l. 18. c. 36. Isidor. Origin. l. 6. c. 2. {d} Tract. Theolog. Politic. c. 10. p. 189 {e} Moreh Nevochim, par. 2. c. 45. {f} Hilchot Megillah, c. 2. sect. 18. {g} Misn. Megillah, c. 2. sect. 1. T. Bab. Megillah, fol. 18. 1. {h} Mensal. Colloqu. c. 31. p. 358. {i} The Saints Everlasting Rest, part 4. c. 3. sect. 1. {k} Apud Euseb. Eccl. Hist. l. 6. c. 25. {l} Apud ib. l. 4. c. 26. {m} Ad Domnion. & Rogat. tom. 3. fol. 7. F.


This chapter relates, how that Ahasuerus, a great king of Persia, made a feast, first for the grandees of his kingdom, and then for his people, as his queen did for the women, Es 1:1-9, who being sent for by him, and she refusing to come, was, by the advice of one of his counsellors, divorced from him, and an order made and published throughout his dominions, that every man should bear rule in his own house, Es 1:10-22.

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