Exodus 18:19-27

19 But heare my voyce, and I will geue the councell, and God shalbe with the. Be thou vnto the people to Godwarde, and brynge the causes vnto God
20 and prouyde them ordinaunces and lawes, ad shewe them the waye wherin they must walke and the werkes that they must doo.
21 Morouer seke out amonge all the people, men of actiuite which feare God and men that are true ad hate covetuousnes: and make them heedes ouer the people, captaynes ouer thousandes, ouer hundredes, ouer fyftie, and ouer ten.
22 And let them iudge the people at all seasons: Yf there be any greate matter, let them brynge that vnto the, and let them iudge all small causes them selues, and ease thi selfe, ad let them bere with the.
23 Yf thou shalt doo this thinge, then thou shalt be able to endure that which God chargeth the with all, and all this people shall goo to their places quietly.
24 And Moses herde the voyce of his father in lawe, and dyd all that he had sayde,
25 and chose actyue men out of all Israel and made them heedes ouer the people, captaynes ouer thousandes, ouer hundreds, ouer fiftie and ouer ten
26 And they iudged the people at all seasons, ad broughte the harde causes vnto Moses: and iudged all small maters them selues.
27 And tha Moses let his father in lawe departe, and he went in to his awne londe.

Exodus 18:19-27 Meaning and Commentary


This chapter gives an account of Jethro, Moses's father-in-law, with Zipporah his daughter, the wife of Moses, and her two sons, meeting him in the wilderness, who was kindly received by him, Ex 18:1-7 and on Moses' relating the great things God had done for Israel, Jethro expressed his joy on that account, gave praise to God, offered sacrifice, and kept a feast with the elders of Israel, Ex 18:8-12, and observing the constant and fatiguing business Moses had on his hands from morning to evening in judging the people, Ex 18:13-18, he gave him advice to appoint persons under him to receive laws and ordinances from him, he should have from God, and, according to them, judge and govern the people under them, some being rulers of thousands, others of hundreds, others of fifties, and some of tens, Ex 18:19-23, which counsel was acceptable to Moses, and he took it, Ex 18:24-26 and the chapter is concluded with their friendly parting, Ex 18:27.

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