Gênesis 50:1-9

1 Então José se lançou sobre o rosto de seu pai, chorou sobre ele e o beijou.
2 E José ordenou a seus servos, os médicos, que embalsamassem a seu pai; e os médicos embalsamaram a Israel.
3 Cumpriram-se-lhe quarenta dias, porque assim se cumprem os dias de embalsamação; e os egípcios o choraram setenta dias.
4 Passados, pois, os dias de seu choro, disse José � casa de Faraó: Se agora tenho achado graça aos vossos olhos, rogo-vos que faleis aos ouvidos de Faraó, dizendo:
5 Meu pai me fez jurar, dizendo: Eis que eu morro; em meu sepulcro, que cavei para mim na terra de Canaã, ali me sepultarás. Agora, pois, deixa-me subir, peço-te, e sepultar meu pai; então voltarei.
6 Respondeu Faraó: Sobe, e sepulta teu pai, como ele te fez jurar.
7 Subiu, pois, José para sepultar a seu pai; e com ele subiram todos os servos de Faraó, os anciãos da sua casa, e todos os anciãos da terra do Egito,
8 como também toda a casa de José, e seus irmãos, e a casa de seu pai; somente deixaram na terra de Gósen os seus pequeninos, os seus rebanhos e o seu gado.
9 E subiram com ele tanto carros como gente a cavalo; de modo que o concurso foi mui grande.

Gênesis 50:1-9 Meaning and Commentary


This chapter contains a short account of what happened from the death of Jacob to the death of Joseph, and is chiefly concerned with the funeral of Jacob; it first gives an account how Joseph was affected with his father's death, of his orders to the physicians to embalm him, and of the time of their embalming him, and of the Egyptians mourning for him, Ge 50:1-3, next of his request to Pharaoh to give him leave to go and bury his father in Canaan, and his grant of it, Ge 50:4-6 and then of the grand funeral procession thither, the mourning made for Jacob, and his interment according to his orders, Ge 50:7-13 upon the return of Joseph and his brethren to Egypt, they fearing his resentment of their former usage of him, entreat him to forgive them; which they said they did at the direction of their father, to which Joseph readily agreed, and comforted them, and spoke kindly to them, and bid them not fear any hurt from him, for whatever were their intention, God meant it, and had overruled it for good, Ge 50:14-21 and the chapter is concluded with an account of Joseph's age and death, and of his posterity he saw before his death, and of the charge he gave to his brethren to carry his bones with them, when they should depart from Egypt, Ge 50:22-26.

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