Mark 7:19-29

19 because it entrith not in to his hert but into ye belly: and goeth out into the draught that porgeth oute all meates.
20 And he sayde: yt defileth a ma which cometh oute of a man.
21 For fro wt in even oute of the herte of men proceade evill thoughtes: advantry fornicacion murder
22 theeft coveteousnes wickednes diceyte vnclennes and a wicked eye blasphemy pryde folysshnes:
23 all these evyll thinges come from with in and defile a man.
24 And from thence he rose and went into ye borders of Tyre and Sidon and entred into an housse and wolde that no man shnld have knowen: But he coulde not be hyd.
25 For a certayne woma whose doughter had a foule sprete hearde of him and came and fell at his fete.
26 The woman was a Greke oute of Syrophenicia and she besought him yt he wolde caste out ye devyll oute of her doughter.
27 And Iesus sayde vnto her: let the chyldren fyrst be feed. For it is not mete to take the chyldres breed and to caste it vnto whelppes.
28 She answered and sayde vnto him: even soo master neverthelesse the whelppes also eate vnder the table of the chyldrens cromes.
29 And he sayde vnto her: for this sayinge goo thy waye the devyll is gone out of thy doughter.
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