Numeri 9

1 L’Eterno parlò ancora a Mosè, nel deserto di Sinai, il primo mese del secondo anno da che furono usciti dal paese d’Egitto, dicendo:
2 "I figliuoli d’Israele celebreranno la pasqua nel tempo stabilito.
3 La celebrerete nel tempo stabilito, il quattordicesimo giorno di questo mese, sull’imbrunire; la celebrerete secondo tutte le leggi e secondo tutte le prescrizioni che vi si riferiscono".
4 E Mosè parlò ai figliuoli d’Israele perché celebrassero la pasqua.
5 Ed essi celebrarono la pasqua il quattordicesimo giorno del primo mese, sull’imbrunire, nel deserto di Sinai; i figliuoli d’Israele si conformarono a tutti gli ordini che l’Eterno avea dati a Mosè.
6 Or v’erano degli uomini che, essendo impuri per aver toccato un morto, non potevan celebrare la pasqua in quel giorno. Si presentarono in quello stesso giorno davanti a Mosè e davanti ad Aaronne;
7 e quegli uomini dissero a Mosè: "Noi siamo impuri per aver toccato un morto; perché ci sarebb’egli tolto di poter presentare l’offerta dell’Eterno, al tempo stabilito, in mezzo ai figliuoli d’Israele?"
8 E Mosè rispose loro: "Aspettate, e sentirò quel che l’Eterno ordinerà a vostro riguardo".
9 E l’Eterno parlò a Mosè, dicendo:
10 "Parla ai figliuoli d’Israele, e di’ loro: Se uno di voi o de’ vostri discendenti sarà impuro per il contatto con un morto o sarà lontano in viaggio, celebrerà lo stesso la pasqua in onore dell’Eterno.
11 La celebreranno il quattordicesimo giorno del secondo mese, sull’imbrunire; la mangeranno con del pane senza lievito e con delle erbe amare;
12 non ne lasceranno nulla di resto fino al mattino, e non ne spezzeranno alcun osso. La celebreranno secondo tutte le leggi della pasqua.
13 Ma colui ch’è puro e che non è in viaggio, se s’astiene dal celebrare la pasqua, quel tale sarà sterminato di fra il suo popolo; siccome non ha presentato l’offerta all’Eterno nel tempo stabilito, quel tale porterà la pena del suo peccato.
14 E se uno straniero che soggiorna tra voi celebra la pasqua dell’Eterno, si conformerà alle leggi e alle prescrizioni della pasqua. Avrete un’unica legge, per lo straniero e per il nativo del paese".
15 Or il giorno in cui il tabernacolo fu eretto, la nuvola coprì il tabernacolo, la tenda della testimonianza; e, dalla sera fino alla mattina, aveva sul tabernacolo l’apparenza d’un fuoco.
16 Così avveniva sempre: la nuvola copriva il tabernacolo, e di notte avea l’apparenza d’un fuoco.
17 E tutte le volte che la nuvola s’alzava di sulla tenda, i figliuoli d’Israele si mettevano in cammino; e dove la nuvola si fermava, quivi i figliuoli d’Israele si accampavano.
18 I figliuoli d’Israele si mettevano in cammino all’ordine dell’Eterno, e all’ordine dell’Eterno si accampavano; rimanevano accampati tutto il tempo che la nuvola restava sul tabernacolo.
19 E quando la nuvola rimaneva per molti giorni sul tabernacolo, i figliuoli d’Israele osservavano la prescrizione dell’Eterno e non si movevano.
20 E se avveniva che la nuvola rimanesse pochi giorni sul tabernacolo, all’ordine dell’Eterno rimanevano accampati, e all’ordine dell’Eterno si mettevano in cammino.
21 E se la nuvola si fermava dalla sera alla mattina, e s’alzava la mattina, si mettevano in cammino; o se dopo un giorno e una notte la nuvola si alzava, si mettevano in cammino.
22 Se la nuvola rimaneva ferma sul tabernacolo due giorni o un mese o un anno, i figliuoli d’Israele rimanevano accampati e non si moveano; ma, quando s’alzava, si mettevano in cammino.
23 All’ordine dell’Eterno si accampavano, e all’ordine dell’Eterno si mettevano in cammino; osservavano le prescrizioni dell’Eterno, secondo l’ordine trasmesso dall’Eterno per mezzo di Mosè.

Numeri 9 Commentary

Chapter 9

Of the Passover. (1-14) The removals of the Israelites. (15-23)

Verses 1-14 God gave particular orders for the keeping of this passover, and, for aught that appears, after this, they kept no passover till they came to Canaan, ( Joshua 5:10 ) . It early showed that the ceremonial institutions were not to continue always, as so soon after they were appointed, some were suffered to sleep for many years. But the ordinance of the Lord's Supper was not thus set aside in the first days of the Christian church, although those were days of greater difficulty and distress than Israel knew in the wilderness; nay, in the times of persecution, the Lord's Supper was celebrated more frequently than afterward. Israelites in the wilderness could not forget the deliverance out of Egypt. There was danger of this when they came to Canaan. Instructions were given concerning those who were ceremonially unclean, when they were to eat the passover. Those whose minds and consciences are defiled by sin, are unfit for communion with God, and cannot partake with comfort of the gospel passover, till they are cleansed by true repentance and faith. Observe with what trouble and concern these men complained that they were kept back from offering to the Lord. It should be a trouble to us, when by any occasion we are kept back from the solemnities of a sabbath or a sacrament. Observe the deliberation of Moses in resolving this case. Ministers must ask counsel of God's mouth, not determine according to their own fancy or affection, but according to the word of God to the best of their knowledge. And if, in difficult cases, time is taken to spread the matter before God by humble, believing prayer, the Holy Spirit assuredly will direct in the good and right way. God gave directions in this case, and in other similar cases, explanatory of the law of the passover. As those who, against their minds, are forced to absent themselves from God's ordinances, may expect the favours of God's grace under their affliction, so those who, of choice, absent themselves, may expect God's wrath for their sin. Be not deceived: God is not mocked.

Verses 15-23 This cloud was appointed to be the visible sign and symbol of God's presence with Israel. Thus we are taught to see God always near us, both night and day. As long as the cloud rested on the tabernacle, so long they continued in the same place. There is no time lost, while we are waiting God's time. When the cloud was taken up, they removed, however comfortably they were encamped. We are kept at uncertainty concerning the time of our putting off the earthly house of this tabernacle, that we may be always ready to remove at the command of the Lord. It is very safe and pleasant going when we see God before us, and resting where he appoints us to rest. The leading of this cloud is spoken of as signifying the guidance of the blessed Spirit. We are not now to expect such tokens of the Divine presence and guidance; but the promise is sure to all God's spiritual Israel, that he will guide them by his counsel. #Ps. 73:24 |, even unto death, ( Psalms 48:14 ) . All the children of God shall be led by the Spirit of God, ( Romans 8:14 ) . He will direct the paths of those who in all their ways acknowledge him, ( Proverbs 3:6 ) . At the commandment of the Lord, our hearts should always move and rest, saying, Father, thy will be done; dispose of me and mine as thou pleasest. What thou wilt, and where thou wilt; only let me be thine, and always in the way of my duty. In applying general precepts to particular circumstances, there should be good counsel and fervent prayer. When any undertaking is evidently wrong, or doubtfully right, and yet the mind leans that way, in such a case "the moving of the cloud," as men sometimes miscall it, is generally no more than a temptation Satan is permitted to propose; and men fancy they are following the Lord, when they are following their own wayward inclinations. The record of his mercy will conduct us with unerring truth, through Christ, to everlasting peace. Follow the pillar of the cloud and of fire. Lay the BIBLE to heart, and receive with meekness the ingrafted word, which is able to save your souls.

Chapter Summary


In this chapter the command for keeping the passover is repeated, and it was accordingly kept, Nu 9:1-5; but some persons being defiled and disqualified for observing it, Moses inquires of the Lord, on their solicitation, what should be done in such a case, Nu 9:6-8; when it was ordered to be kept by such, and those on journeys, on the fourteenth day of the second month, but not by others, who were to observe it according to its first appointment, Nu 9:9-14; and an account is given of the appearance of the cloud by day, and fire by night, upon the tabernacle, which directed the children of Israel when to journey, and when to pitch their tents, Nu 9:15-23.

Numeri 9 Commentaries

The Riveduta Bible is in the public domain.