Proverbi 8

1 La sapienza non grida ella? e l’intelligenza non fa ella udire la sua voce?
2 Ella sta in piè al sommo dei luoghi elevati, sulla strada, ai crocicchi;
3 grida presso le porte, all’ingresso della città, nei viali che menano alle porte:
4 "Chiamo voi, o uomini principali, e la mia voce si rivolge ai figli del popolo.
5 Imparate, o semplici, l’accorgimento, e voi, stolti, diventate intelligenti di cuore!
6 Ascoltate, perché dirò cose eccellenti, e le mie labbra s’apriranno a insegnar cose rette.
7 Poiché la mia bocca esprime il vero, e le mie labbra abominano l’empietà.
8 Tutte le parole della mia bocca son conformi a giustizia, non v’è nulla di torto o di perverso in esse.
9 Son tutte piane per l’uomo intelligente, e rette per quelli che han trovato la scienza.
10 Ricevete la mia istruzione anziché l’argento, e la scienza anziché l’oro scelto;
11 poiché la sapienza val più delle perle, e tutti gli oggetti preziosi non la equivalgono.
12 Io, la sapienza, sto con l’accorgimento, e trovo la scienza della riflessione.
13 Il timore dell’Eterno è odiare il male; io odio la superbia, l’arroganza, la via del male e la bocca perversa.
14 A me appartiene il consiglio e il buon successo; io sono l’intelligenza, a me appartiene la forza.
15 Per mio mezzo regnano i re, e i principi decretano ciò ch’è giusto.
16 Per mio mezzo governano i capi, i nobili, tutti i giudici della terra.
17 Io amo quelli che m’amano, e quelli che mi cercano mi trovano.
18 Con me sono ricchezze e gloria, i beni permanenti e la giustizia.
19 Il mio frutto e migliore dell’oro fino, e il mio prodotto val più che argento eletto.
20 Io cammino per la via della giustizia, per i sentieri dell’equità,
21 per far eredi di beni reali quelli che m’amano, e per riempire i loro tesori.
22 L’Eterno mi formò al principio de’ suoi atti, prima di fare alcuna delle opere sue, ab antico.
23 Fui stabilita ab eterno, dal principio, prima che la terra fosse.
24 Fui generata quando non c’erano ancora abissi, quando ancora non c’erano sorgenti rigurgitanti d’acqua.
25 Fui generata prima che i monti fossero fondati, prima ch’esistessero le colline,
26 quand’egli ancora non avea fatto né la terra né i campi né le prime zolle della terra coltivabile.
27 Quand’egli disponeva i cieli io ero là; quando tracciava un circolo sulla superficie dell’abisso,
28 quando condensava le nuvole in alto, quando rafforzava le fonti dell’abisso,
29 quando assegnava al mare il suo limite perché le acque non oltrepassassero il suo cenno, quando poneva i fondamenti della terra,
30 io ero presso di lui come un artefice, ero del continuo esuberante di gioia, mi rallegravo in ogni tempo nel suo cospetto;
31 mi rallegravo nella parte abitabile della sua terra, e trovavo la mia gioia tra i figliuoli degli uomini.
32 Ed ora, figliuoli, ascoltatemi; beati quelli che osservano le mie vie!
33 Ascoltate l’istruzione, siate savi, e non la rigettate!
34 Beato l’uomo che m’ascolta, che veglia ogni giorno alle mie porte, che vigila alla soglia della mia casa!
35 Poiché chi mi trova trova la vita, e ottiene favore dall’Eterno.
36 Ma chi pecca contro di me, fa torto all’anima sua; tutti quelli che m’odiano, amano la morte".

Proverbi 8 Commentary

Chapter 8

Christ, as Wisdom, calls to the sons of men. (1-11) The nature and riches of Wisdom. (12-21) Christ one with the Father, in the creation of the world, and rejoicing in his work for the salvation of man. (22-31) Exhortations to hear Christ's word. (32-36)

Verses 1-11 The will of God is made known by the works of creation, and by the consciences of men, but more clearly by Moses and the prophets. The chief difficulty is to get men to attend to instruction. Yet attention to the words of Christ, will guide the most ignorant into saving knowledge of the truth. Where there is an understanding heart, and willingness to receive the truth in love, wisdom is valued above silver and gold.

Verses 12-21 Wisdom, here is Christ, in whom are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge; it is Christ in the word, and Christ in the heart; not only Christ revealed to us, but Christ revealed in us. All prudence and skill are from the Lord. Through the redemption of Christ's precious blood, the riches of his grace abound in all wisdom and prudence. Man found out many inventions for ruin; God found one for our recovery. He hates pride and arrogance, evil ways and froward conversation; these render men unwilling to hear his humbling, awakening, holy instructions. True religion gives men the best counsel in all difficult cases, and helps to make their way plain. His wisdom makes all truly happy who receive it in the love of Christ Jesus. Seek him early, seek him earnestly, seek him before any thing else. Christ never said, Seek in vain. Those who love Christ, are such as have seen his loveliness, and have had his love shed abroad in their hearts; therefore they are happy. They shall be happy in this world, or in that which is beyond compare better. Wealth gotten by vanity will soon be diminished, but that which is well got, will wear well; and that which is well spent upon works of piety and charity, will be lasting. If they have not riches and honour in this world, they shall have that which is infinitely better. They shall be happy in the grace of God. Christ, by his Spirit, guides believers into all truth, and so leads them in the way of righteousness; and they walk after the Spirit. Also, they shall be happy in the glory of God hereafter. In Wisdom's promises, believers have goods laid up, not for days and years, but for eternity; her fruit therefore is better than gold.

Verses 22-31 The Son of God declares himself to have been engaged in the creation of the world. How able, how fit is the Son of God to be the Saviour of the world, who was the Creator of it! The Son of God was ordained, before the world, to that great work. Does he delight in saving wretched sinners, and shall not we delight in his salvation?

Verses 32-36 Surely we should hearken to Christ's voice with the readiness of children. Let us all be wise, and not refuse such mercy. Blessed are those who hear the Saviour's voice, and wait on him with daily reading, meditation, and prayer. The children of the world find time for vain amusements, without neglecting what they deem the one thing needful. Does it not show contempt of Wisdom's instructions, when people professing godliness, seek excuses for neglecting the means of grace? Christ is Wisdom, and he is Life to all believers; nor can we obtain God's favour, unless we find Christ, and are found in him. Those who offend Christ deceive themselves; sin is a wrong to the soul. Sinners die because they will die, which justifies God when he judges.

Chapter Summary


This chapter contains the instructions of Wisdom or Christ; showing the excellency of them, and the author of them, in opposition to the harlot and her allurements, in the preceding chapter. Christ, under the name of Wisdom, is represented as an herald, publishing the Gospel in the ministry of the word, either in person or by his servants, Pr 8:1. The places where this proclamation is made are described, Pr 8:2,3; the persons to whom, Pr 8:4,5. The excellency of the things delivered, being right things; truth, agreeably to the word of God, plain and easy to be understood, and of more worth than gold, silver, and precious stones, Pr 8:6-11. And then Wisdom, or Christ, is commended and recommended by his consummate prudence and knowledge, by his hatred of evil, and by his influence on the political affairs of kings and princes, Pr 8:12-16; and the advantages of those that are early seekers of him are pointed out; their enjoyment of his favour, of his riches, honour and righteousness; and their being led by him in right paths now, and inheriting eternal glory hereafter, Pr 8:17-21. And next follows an account of his existence from eternity as a divine Person, illustrated by a variety of phrases, Pr 8:22-29; and of his being with the Father; of his great affection for him, and complacency in him; and of Christ's wonderful delight and pleasure in the sons of men, Pr 8:30,31. And the chapter is concluded with an exhortation to them to hearken to his instructions; setting forth the happiness of those that wait on him in public ordinances, and find him; and the misery of those that hate and reject him.

Proverbi 8 Commentaries

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