Salmi 37

1 Di Davide. Non ti crucciare a cagion de’ malvagi; non portare invidia a quelli che operano perversamente;
2 perché saran di subito falciati come il fieno, e appassiranno come l’erba verde.
3 Confidati nell’Eterno e fa’ il bene; abita il paese e coltiva la fedeltà.
4 Prendi il tuo diletto nell’Eterno, ed egli ti darà quel che il tuo cuore domanda.
5 Rimetti la tua sorte nell’Eterno; confidati in lui, ed egli opererà
6 Egli farà risplendere la tua giustizia come la luce, e il tuo diritto come il mezzodì.
7 Sta’ in silenzio dinanzi all’Eterno, e aspettalo; non ti crucciare per colui che prospera nella sua via, per l’uomo che riesce ne’ suoi malvagi disegni.
8 Cessa dall’ira e lascia lo sdegno; non crucciarti; ciò non conduce che al mal fare.
9 Poiché i malvagi saranno sterminati; ma quelli che sperano nell’Eterno possederanno la terra.
10 Ancora un poco e l’empio non sarà più; tu osserverai il suo luogo, ed egli non vi sarà più.
11 Ma i mansueti erederanno la terra e godranno abbondanza di pace.
12 L’empio macchina contro il giusto e digrigna i denti contro lui.
13 Il Signore si ride di lui, perché vede che il suo giorno viene.
14 Gli empi han tratto la spada e teso il loro arco per abbattere il misero e il bisognoso, per sgozzare quelli che vanno per la via diritta.
15 La loro spada entrerà loro nel cuore, e gli archi loro saranno rotti.
16 Meglio vale il poco del giusto che l’abbondanza di molti empi.
17 Perché le braccia degli empi saranno rotte; ma l’Eterno sostiene i giusti.
18 L’Eterno conosce i giorni degli uomini integri; e la loro eredità durerà in perpetuo.
19 Essi non saran confusi nel tempo dell’avversità, e saranno saziati nel tempo dalla fame.
20 Ma gli empi periranno; e i nemici dell’Eterno, come grasso d’agnelli, saran consumati e andranno in fumo.
21 L’empio prende a prestito e non rende; ma il giusto è pietoso e dona.
22 Poiché quelli che Dio benedice erederanno la terra, ma quelli ch’ei maledice saranno sterminati.
23 I passi dell’uomo dabbene son diretti dall’Eterno ed egli gradisce le vie di lui.
24 Se cade, non è però atterrato, perché l’Eterno lo sostiene per la mano.
25 Io sono stato giovane e son anche divenuto vecchio, ma non ho visto il giusto abbandonato, né la sua progenie accattare il pane.
26 Egli tutti i giorni è pietoso e presta, e la sua progenie è in benedizione.
27 Ritraiti dal male e fa’ il bene, e dimorerai nel paese in perpetuo.
28 Poiché l’Eterno ama la giustizia e non abbandona i suoi santi; essi son conservati in perpetuo; ma la progenie degli empi sarà sterminata.
29 I giusti erederanno la terra e l’abiteranno in perpetuo.
30 La bocca del giusto proferisce sapienza e la sua lingua pronunzia giustizia.
31 La legge del suo Dio è nel suo cuore; i suoi passi non vacilleranno.
32 L’empio spia il giusto e cerca di farlo morire.
33 L’Eterno non l’abbandonerà nelle sue mani, e non lo condannerà quando verrà in giudicio.
34 Aspetta l’Eterno e osserva la sua via; egli t’innalzerà perché tu eredi la terra; e quando gli empi saranno sterminati, tu lo vedrai.
35 Io ho veduto l’empio potente, e distendersi come albero verde sul suolo natìo;
36 ma è passato via, ed ecco, non è più; io l’ho cercato, ma non s’è più trovato.
37 Osserva l’uomo integro e considera l’uomo retto; perché v’è una posterità per l’uomo di pace.
38 Mentre i trasgressori saranno tutti quanti distrutti; la posterità degli empi sarà sterminata.
39 Ma la salvezza dei giusti procede dall’Eterno; egli è la loro fortezza nel tempo della distretta.
40 L’Eterno li aiuta e li libera: li libera dagli empi e li salva, perché si sono rifugiati in lui.

Images for Salmi 37

Salmi 37 Commentary

Chapter 37

David persuades to patience and confidence in God, by the state of the godly and of the wicked.

Verses 1-6 When we look abroad we see the world full of evil-doers, that flourish and live in ease. So it was seen of old, therefore let us not marvel at the matter. We are tempted to fret at this, to think them the only happy people, and so we are prone to do like them: but this we are warned against. Outward prosperity is fading. When we look forward, with an eye of faith, we shall see no reason to envy the wicked. Their weeping and wailing will be everlasting. The life of religion is a believing trust in the Lord, and diligent care to serve him according to his will. It is not trusting God, but tempting him, if we do not make conscience of our duty to him. A man's life consists not in abundance, but, Thou shalt have food convenient for thee. This is more than we deserve, and it is enough for one that is going to heaven. To delight in God is as much a privilege as a duty. He has not promised to gratify the appetites of the body, and the humours of the fancy, but the desires of the renewed, sanctified soul. What is the desire of the heart of a good man? It is this, to know, and love, and serve God. Commit thy way unto the Lord; roll thy way upon the Lord, so the margin reads it. Cast thy burden upon the Lord, the burden of thy care. We must roll it off ourselves, not afflict and perplex ourselves with thoughts about future events, but refer them to God. By prayer spread thy case and all thy cares before the Lord, and trust in him. We must do our duty, and then leave the event with God. The promise is very sweet: He shall bring that to pass, whatever it is, which thou has committed to him.

Verses 7-20 Let us be satisfied that God will make all to work for good to us. Let us not discompose ourselves at what we see in this world. A fretful, discontented spirit is open to many temptations. For, in all respects, the little which is allotted to the righteous, is more comfortable and more profitable than the ill-gotten and abused riches of ungodly men. It comes from a hand of special love. God provides plentifully and well, not only for his working servants, but for his waiting servants. They have that which is better than wealth, peace of mind, peace with God, and then peace in God; that peace which the world cannot give, and which the world cannot have. God knows the believer's days. Not one day's work shall go unrewarded. Their time on earth is reckoned by days, which will soon be numbered; but heavenly happiness shall be for ever. This will be a real support to believers in evil times. Those that rest on the Rock of ages, have no reason to envy the wicked the support of their broken reeds.

Verses 21-33 The Lord our God requires that we do justly, and render to all their due. It is a great sin for those that are able, to deny the payment of just debts; it is a great misery not to be able to pay them. He that is truly merciful, will be ever merciful. We must leave our sins; learn to do well, and cleave to it. This is true religion. The blessing of God is the spring, sweetness, and security of all earthly enjoyments. And if we are sure of this, we are sure not to want any thing good for us in this world. By his grace and Holy Spirit, he directs the thoughts, affections, and designs of good men. By his providence he overrules events, so as to make their way plain. He does not always show them his way for a distance, but leads them step by step, as children are led. God will keep them from being ruined by their falls, either into sin or into trouble, though such as fall into sin will be sorely hurt. Few, if any, have known the consistent believer, or his children, reduced to abject, friendless want. God forsakes not his saints in affliction; and in heaven only the righteous shall dwell for ever; that will be their everlasting habitation. A good man may fall into the hands of a messenger of Satan, and be sorely buffeted, but God will not leave him in his enemy's hands.

Verses 34-40 Duty is ours, and we must mind it; but events are God's, we must refer the disposal of them to him. What a striking ( psalms 37:35-36 ) But God remarkably blights the projects of the prosperous wicked, especially persecutors. None are perfect in themselves, but believers are so in Christ Jesus. If all the saint's days continue dark and cloudy, his dying day may prove comfortable, and his sun set bright; or, if it should set under a cloud, yet his future state will be everlasting peace. The salvation of the righteous will be the Lord's doing. He will help them to do their duties, to bear their burdens; help them to bear their troubles well, and get good by them, and, in due time, will deliver them out of their troubles. Let sinners then depart from evil, and do good; repent of and forsake sin, and trust in the mercy of God through Jesus Christ. Let them take his yoke upon them, and learn of him, that they may dwell for evermore in heaven. Let us mark the closing scenes of different characters, and always depend on God's mercy.

Chapter Summary


\\<<[A Psalm] of David>>\\. This psalm, it is very probable, was written at the same time, and upon the same occasion, with the former; and describes the different states of good and bad men; and is full of exhortations, instructions, and advice to the people of God; intermixed with various encouraging promises. A late learned writer {h} thinks it was written for Mephibosheth's consolation under Ziba's calumny. {h} Delaney's Life of King David, vol. 2. p. 219.

Salmi 37 Commentaries

The Riveduta Bible is in the public domain.