Proverbios 11

1 EL peso falso abominación es á Jehová: Mas la pesa cabal le agrada.
2 Cuando viene la soberbia, viene también la deshonra: Mas con los humildes es la sabiduría.
3 La integridad de los rectos los encaminará: Mas destruirá á los pecadores la perversidad de ellos.
4 No aprovecharán las riquezas en el día de la ira: Mas la justicia librará de muerte.
5 La justicia del perfecto enderezará su camino: mas el impío por su impiedad caerá.
6 La justicia de los rectos los librará: Mas los pecadores en su pecado serán presos.
7 Cuando muere el hombre impío, perece su esperanza; Y la espectativa de los malos perecerá.
8 El justo es librado de la tribulación: Mas el impío viene en lugar suyo.
9 El hipócrita con la boca daña á su prójimo: Mas los justos son librados con la sabiduría.
10 En el bien de los justos la ciudad se alegra: Mas cuando los impíos perecen, hay fiestas.
11 Por la bendición de los rectos la ciudad será engrandecida: Mas por la boca de los impíos ella será trastornada.
12 El que carece de entendimiento, menosprecia á su prójimo: Mas el hombre prudente calla.
13 El que anda en chismes, descubre el secreto: Mas el de espíritu fiel encubre la cosa.
14 Cuando faltaren las industrias, caerá el pueblo: Mas en la multitud de consejeros hay salud.
15 Con ansiedad será afligido el que fiare al extraño: Mas el que aborreciere las fianzas vivirá confiado.
16 La mujer graciosa tendrá honra: Y los fuertes tendrán riquezas.
17 A su alma hace bien el hombre misericordioso: Mas el cruel atormenta su carne.
18 El impío hace obra falsa: Mas el que sembrare justicia, tendrá galardón firme.
19 Como la justicia es para vida, Así el que sigue el mal es para su muerte.
20 Abominación son á Jehová los perversos de corazón: Mas los perfectos de camino le son agradables.
21 Aunque llegue la mano á la mano, el malo no quedará sin castigo: Mas la simiente de los justos escapará.
22 Zarcillo de oro en la nariz del puerco, Es la mujer hermosa y apartada de razón.
23 El deseo de los justos es solamente bien: Mas la esperanza de los impíos es enojo.
24 Hay quienes reparten, y les es añadido más: Y hay quienes son escasos más de lo que es justo, mas vienen á pobreza.
25 El alma liberal será engordada: Y el que saciare, él también será saciado.
26 Al que retiene el grano, el pueblo lo maldecirá: Mas bendición será sobre la cabeza del que vende.
27 El que madruga al bien, buscará favor: Mas el que busca el mal, vendrále.
28 El que confía en sus riquezas, caerá: Mas los justos reverdecerán como ramos.
29 El que turba su casa heredará viento; Y el necio será siervo del sabio de corazón.
30 El fruto del justo es árbol de vida: Y el que prende almas, es sabio.
31 Ciertamente el justo será pagado en la tierra: ¡Cuánto más el impío y el pecador!

Images for Proverbios 11

Proverbios 11 Commentary

Chapter 11

Verse 1 However men may make light of giving short weight or measure, and however common such crimes may be, they are an abomination to the Lord. Verse 2 . Considering how safe, and quiet, and easy the humble are, we see that with the lowly is wisdom. Verse 3 . An honest man's principles are fixed, therefore his way is plain. Verse 4 . ( proverbs 11:5-6 ) The ways of wickedness are dangerous. And sin will be its own punishment. Verse 7 . When a godly man dies, all his fears vanish; but when a wicked man dies, his hopes vanish. Verse 8 . The righteous are often wonderfully kept from going into dangerous situations, and the ungodly go in their stead. Verse 9 . Hypocrites delude men into error and sin by artful objections against the truths of ( proverbs 11:10-11 ) down. Verse 12 . A man of understanding does not judge of others by their success. Verse 13 . A faithful man will not disclose what he is trusted with, unless the honour of God and the real good of society require it. Verse 14 . We shall often find it to our advantage to advise with others. Verse 15 . The welfare of our families, our own peace, and our ability to pay just debts, must not be brought into danger. But here especially let us consider the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ in becoming Surety even for enemies. Verse 16 . A pious and discreet woman will keep esteem and respect, as strong men keep possession of wealth. Verse 17 . A cruel, froward, ill-natured man, is vexatious to those that are, and should be to him as his own flesh, and punishes himself. Verse 18 . He that makes it his business to do good, shall have a reward, as sure to him as eternal truth can make it. Verse 19 . True holiness is true happiness. The more violent a man is in sinful pursuits, the more he hastens his own destruction. Verse 20 . Nothing is more hateful to God, than hypocrisy and double dealing, which are here signified. God delights in such as aim and act with uprightness. Verse 21 . Joining together in sin shall not protect the sinners. Verse 22 . Beauty is abused by those who have not discretion or modesty with it. This is true of all bodily endowments. Verse 23 . The wicked desire mischief to others, but it shall return upon themselves. Verse 24 . A man may grow poor by not paying just debts, not relieving the poor, not allowing needful expenses. Let men be ever so saving of what they have, if God appoints, it comes to nothing. Verse 25 . Both in temporal and spiritual things, God commonly deals with his people according to the measure by which they deal with their brethren. Verse 26 . We must not hoard up the gifts of God's bounty, merely for our own advantage. Verse 27 . Seeking mischief is here set against seeking good; for those that are not doing good are doing hurt, even to themselves. Verse 28 . The true believer is a branch of the living Vine. When those that take root in the world wither, those who are grafted into Christ shall be fruitful. Verse 29 . He that brings trouble upon himself and his family, by carelessness, or by wickedness, shall be unable to keep and enjoy what he gets, as a man is unable to hold the wind, or to satisfy himself with it. Verse 30 . The righteous are as trees of life; and their influence upon earth, like the fruits of that tree, support and nourish the spiritual life in many. Verse 31 . Even the righteous, when they offend on earth, shall meet with sharp corrections; much more will the wicked meet the due reward of their sins. Let us then seek those blessings which our Surety purchased by his sufferings and death; let us seek to copy his example, and to keep his commandments.

Proverbios 11 Commentaries

The Reina-Valera Antigua (1602) is in the public domain.