Search Results for eze 34

Found 349 Results for eze 34
Hebreos 12

HEBREOS 12DIVISIONES DE P?RRAFO DE TRADUCCIONES MODERNASUBS4RVLBLAVPBJLa disciplina del Se?orPuestos los ojos en Jes?sFijemos la mirada en Jes?sEl eje...

Jeremiah 2

Chapter?2It is probable that this chapter was Jeremiah?s first sermon after his ordination; and a most lively pathetic sermon it is as any we have is ...

Job 21

Chapter?21This is Job?s reply to Zophar?s discourse, in which he complains less of his own miseries than he had done in his former discourses (finding...

Psalms 74

Chapter?74This psalm does so particularly describe the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple, by Nebuchadnezzar and the army of the Chaldeans, and c...

Psalms 110

Chapter?110This psalm is pure gospel; it is only, and wholly, concerning Christ, the Messiah promised to the fathers and expected by them. It is plain...

Leviticus 26

Chapter?26This chapter is a solemn conclusion of the main body of the levitical law. The precepts that follow in this and the following book either re...

Mark 12

Chapter?12In this chapter, we have, I. The parable of the vineyard let out to unthankful husbandmen, representing the sin and ruin of the Jewish churc...

Nahum 2

Chapter?2We now come closer to Nineveh, that great city; she took, not warning by the destruction of her armies and the fall of her king, and therefor...

Exodus 5

Chapter?5Moses and Aaron are here dealing with Pharaoh, to get leave of him to go and worship in the wilderness. I. They demand leave in the name of G...


Money [N] [T] [E] [S]A variety of monetary systems are represented in the Bible, corresponding to the political powers that dominated the cultures rep...

Exodus 2

Chapter?2This chapter begins the story of Moses, that man of renown, famed for his intimate acquaintance with Heaven and his eminent usefulness on ear...

Daniel 9

Chapter?9In this chapter we have, I. Daniel?s prayer for the restoration of the Jews who were in captivity, in which he confesses sin, and acknowledge...

Mark 4

Chapter?4In this chapter, we have, I. The parable of the seed, and the four sorts of ground (v.?1-9), with the exposition of it (v.?10-20), and the ap...

Song of Solomon 8

Chapter?8The affections between Christ and his spouse are as strong and lively here, in this closing chapter of the song, as ever, and rather more so....

Hebreos 10

HEBREOS 11DIVISIONES DE P?RRAFO DE TRADUCCIONES MODERNASUBS4RVLBLAVPBJFeLa feLa fe y sus h?roesLa feModelos de fe en la Historia Sagrada11:1-3911:1-39...

Hebreos 11

HEBREOS 11DIVISIONES DE P?RRAFO DE TRADUCCIONES MODERNASUBS4RVLBLAVPBJFeLa feLa fe y sus h?roesLa feModelos de fe en la Historia Sagrada11:1-3911:1-39...

Job 11

Chapter?11Poor Job?s wound?s were yet bleeding, his sore still runs and ceases not, but none of his friends bring him any oil, any balm; Zophar, the t...

Hebreos 2

HEBREOS 2DIVISIONES DE P?RAFO DE TRADUCCIONES MODERNASUBS4RVLBLAVPBJLa Gran Salvaci?nUna Salvaci?n tan grandePeligro de la negligenciaNo hay que descu...

Jeremiah 22

Chapter?22Upon occasion of the message sent in the foregoing chapter to the house of the king, we have here recorded some sermons which Jeremiah preac...

Isaiah 17

Chapter?17Syria and Ephriam were confederate against Judah ch.?7:1, ch.?7:2 ), and, they being so closely linked together in their counsels, this chap...