Search Results for matthew 6:33

Found 231 Results for matthew 6:33
Reign of the Judges

Reign of the Judges Date. It is impossible to determine the time when the reign of the judges began, or the number of years covered by their reigns...

Chapter 2

CHAPTER 2 Different Standpoint of the Old and the New Testament - Analogy between Elijah and John the Baptist - Jezebel threatens Elijah's life - The ...

What Seek Ye?

WHAT SEEK YE? wOne of the two which heard John speak, and followed him, was Andrew, Simon PeUr'a brother. John 1: 40. But seek ye first the klnedom ...

Genealogy, 8 Part 2

GENEALOGY, 8 part 2 I. Primeval Genealogies (1 Chronicals 1:1-54). To show Israel's place among the nations; follows Genesis closely, omitting only t...

1 Kings 7

Chapter?7As, in the story of David, one chapter of wars and victories follows another, so, in the story of Solomon, one chapter concerning his buildin...

Sin (1)

SIN (1) (chaTTa'th, a missing, `awon, perversity] pesha`, transgression, ra`, evil, etc.; hamartano, miss the mark, parabasis, transgression with a su...

1 Kings 9

Chapter?9In this chapter we have, I. The answer which God, in a vision, gave to Solomon?s prayer, and the terms he settled with him (v.?1-9). II. The ...

Redeemer; Redemption

REDEEMER; REDEMPTION re-dem'-er, re-demp'-shun (paraq, to tear loose, to rescue, padhah, ga'al; agorazo, referring to purchase, lutroumai, from lutron...

Romans 14

CHAPTER 14 Romans 14:1-23 . SAME SUBJECT CONTINUED--CHRISTIAN FORBEARANCE. The subject here, and on to Romans 15:13 , is the consideration ...

Chapter XIV

CHAPTER XIV. Bible Marking?Borrowing and Lending Bibles?Necessity of Marking?Advantages?How to Mark and What to Mark?Taking Notes?Four things which a...

Psalms 85

Chapter?85Interpreters are generally of the opinion that this psalm was penned after the return of the Jews out of their captivity in Babylon, when th...

1 Peter 2

CHAPTER 2 1?Peter 2:1-25 . EXHORTATIONS. To guileless feeding on the word by the sense of their privileges as new-born babes, living stones ...

Providence, 2

PROVIDENCE, 2 IV. Discussion of the Contents of the Biblical Doctrine. 1. Different Views of Providence Compared: There are four distinct conception...

1 Thessalonians 4

Chapter?4In this chapter the apostle gives earnest exhortations to abound in holiness, with a caution against uncleanness, enforced with several argum...

1 Kings 3

Chapter?3Solomon?s reign looked bloody in the foregoing chapter, but the necessary acts of justice must not be called cruelty; in this chapter it appe...

Ephesians 4


Genesis 25

Chapter?25The sacred historian, in this chapter, I. Takes his leave of Abraham, with an account, I. Of his children by another wife (v.?1-4). Of his l...


Sanctification [N] [T] [E]The generic meaning of sanctification is the state of proper functioning. To sanctify someone or something is to set that pe...

Joshua 8

Chapter?8The embarrassment which Achan?s sin gave to the affairs of Israel being over, we have them here in a very good posture again, the affairs bot...

Isaiah 55

Chapter?55As we had much of Christ in the 53rd chapter, and much of the church of Christ in the 54th chapter, so in this chapter we have much of the c...