Search Results for mic 5

Found 255 Results for mic 5
Jeremiah 51

Chapter?51The prophet, in this chapter, goes on with the prediction of Babylon?s fall, to which other prophets also bore witness. He is very copious a...

Job 38

Chapter?38In most disputes the strife is who shall have the last word. Job?s friends had, in this controversy, tamely yielded it to Job, and then he t...

Chapter III

78 QOMATTER?A SABBATH IN THE DESERT. tude, no living being near except our little company of Arabs, not knowing what might be the extent of the injur...

Isaiah 45

Chapter?45Cyrus was nominated, in the foregoing chapter, to be God?s shepherd; more is said to him and more of him in this chapter, not only because h...

Judges 16

Chapter?16Samson?s name (we have observed before) signifies a little sun (solparvus); we have seen this sun rising very bright, and his morning ray st...

Job 28

Chapter?28The strain of this chapter is very unlike the rest of this book. Job forgets his sores, and all his sorrows, and talks like a philosopher or...

John 7

Chapter?7In this chapter we have, I. Christ?s declining for some time to appear publicly in Judea (v.?1). II. His design to go up to Jerusalem at the ...

Proverbs 16

Chapter?16 Verse 1 As we read this, it teaches us a great truth, that we are not sufficient of ourselves to think or speak any thing of ourselves tha...

2 Kings 22

Chapter?22This chapter begins the story of the reign of good king Josiah, whose goodness shines the brighter because it came just after so much wicked...

Chapter 11


Isaiah 22

Chapter?22We have now come nearer home, for this chapter is the burden of the valley of vision,?? Jerusalem; other places had their burden for the sak...

Jeremiah 8

Chapter?8The prophet proceeds, in this chapter, both to magnify and to justify the destruction that God was bringing upon this people, to show how gri...

Hosea 8

Chapter?8This chapter, as that before, divides itself into the sins and punishments of Israel; every verse almost declares both, and all to bring them...

Numbers 22

Chapter?22At this chapter begins the famous story of Balak and Balaam, their attempt to curse Israel, and the baffling of that attempt; God?s people a...

Jonah 1

Chapter 1In this chapter we have, I. A command given to Jonah to preach at Nineveh (v. 1, v. 2). II. Jonah?s disobedience to that command (v. 3). III....

Luke 2

Chapter?2In this chapter, we have an account of the birth and infancy of our Lord Jesus: having had notice of his conception, and of the birth and inf...

Jeremiah 10

Chapter?10We may conjecture that the prophecy of this chapter was delivered after the first captivity, in the time of Jeconiah or Jehoiachin, when man...

Jeremiah 26

Chapter?26As in the history of the Acts of the Apostles that of their preaching and that of their suffering are interwoven, so it is in the account we...

John 5

Chapter?5We have in the gospels a faithful record of all that Jesus began both to do and to teach, Acts.?1:1 . These two are interwoven, because what ...

Mark 14

Chapter?14In this chapter begins the account which this evangelist gives of the death and sufferings of our Lord Jesus, which we are all concerned to ...