Search Results for ro 7

Found 283 Results for ro 7
Lecture XXXV

In discussing the subject of human depravity, I shall, I. Define The Term Depravity. II. Point Out The Distinction Between Physical And Moral Dep...

Internal Evidence for the Authenticity and Genuineness of St. John's Gospel, Part II.

TN considering this question three points will be taken in succession. I shall endeavour to show:? I. That the writer was intimately acquainted with...


Abraham [N] [E] [H] [S]The Old Testament. This man, whose name may mean the father is exalted, was the first of the great patriarchs of Israel. In th...


Footnotes(1 )He came in with a slow and stately step; he spoke with a broken utterance, sometimes with a kind of disjointed sobs rather than words. He...

Romans 14

CHAPTER 14 Romans 14:1-23 . SAME SUBJECT CONTINUED--CHRISTIAN FORBEARANCE. The subject here, and on to Romans 15:13 , is the consideration ...

1 Samuel 9

Chapter?9Samuel had promised Israel, from God, that they should have a king; it is strange that the next news is not of candidates setting up for the ...

Zechariah 11

Chapter?11God?s prophet, who, in the chapters before, was an ambassador sent to promise peace, is here a herald sent to declare war. The Jewish nation...

Ephesians, Epistle To The


Solomon's Temple Spiritualized

C H A P. I. Where the Terople tvas built. t/,, 'f J^TT^HE Temple was built at Jerusalem, on Mount Jfc~ Moriah, in the threfhing floor of Arnoa the J...

Esther, Book Of

ESTHER, BOOK OF \Contents 1. The Canonicity of Esther 2. Its Authorship 3. Its Date 4. Its Contents 5. The Greek Additions 6. The Attacks upon the Boo...

Sermon VIII

Preached at a Wednesday's Evening Lecture in Great Eastcheap, March 24, 1756. Acts XXVI. 22, 23. Having therefore obtained help of God, I continue u...

Treatise VI. On the Vanity of Idols

Treatise VI. On the Vanity of IdolsTreatise VI.(1) On the Vanity of IdolsShowing that the Idols are Not Gods, and that God is One, and that Through Ch...


MINISTRY min'-is-tri: I. THE WORD MINISTRY Use of the Word in This Article II. TWO KINDS OF MINISTRY 1. The Prophet Ministry (1) Apostles (2) Pr...


INDEX I NAMES AND SUBJECTS Acts, Book of, 32-40, should be al- lowed to help in interpreting the Pauline Epistles, 125 Adonis, 3Hf., religion ...


MONEY mun'-i: Various terms are used for money in the Bible, but the most common are the Hebrew keceph, and Greek argurion, both meaning silver. We f...

The Churches of Macedonia

O T PAUL'S first visit to Macedonia was the dawn of a new ^ era in the development of the Christian Church. The incidents, which ushered it in, spoke...

Canon Of The Old Testament, Ii

CANON OF THE OLD TESTAMENT, II \ II. Examination of the Witnesses. 1. The Old Testament's Witness to Itself (circa 1450-444 BC): Though the Old Testa...


PHARISEES far'-i-sez (perushim; Pharisaioi): 1. Name and General Character 2. Authorities--Josephus--New Testament--Talmud I. HISTORY OF THE SECT ...

Chapter 18

CHAPTER 18 OF THE POPISH MASS. HOW IT NOT ONLY PROFANES, BUT ANNIHILATES THE LORD'S SUPPER. The principal heads of this chapter are,--I. The abominat...

St Paul and Seneca

IV. ST PAUL AND SENECA. HPHE earliest of the Latin fathers, Tertullian, writing about a Senecatra-*- century and a half after the death of Seneca, ...