Search Results for that we should desire him

Found 396 Results for that we should desire him
What Is the Meaning of Modesty in the Bible?

Meg Bucher

Knowledge of who we are in Christ is crucial to a life of biblical modesty. Modesty is simplicity. Jesus sets the example of the life we are to lead in the pages of Scripture. Living a simple and mode...

Why Does Paul Say "to Live Is Christ, to Die Is Gain"?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

In Philippians 1:21, the apostle Paul writes "for me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." But, did the apostle make a typo? What exactly does he mean that to live is Christ? And moreover, how is it...

17 Encouraging Verses for Seasons of Grief

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Since we are all going to face grief in this life, the question is when grief comes, where do you go for comfort? Thankfully God knew you would experience grief in this life, and he has provided numer...

Why It's Important to Know God Doesn't Make Mistakes

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

You must get to the place of knowing God doesn’t make mistakes. If you never get there, then your faith will ultimately crumble. As we probe deeper into this thought let me share with you three things...

What Is Envy vs. Jealousy in the Bible?

Cathy Baker

What separates envy from jealousy in the Bible? Can of them be good, or are they always sinful? You'll be surprised to see what the Bible really says about envy and jealousy....

Is it Biblical for Christians to Say 'I Will Sing of the Goodness of God'?

Britt Mooney

While "I will sing of the goodness of God" is a nice phrase, we should take time to dig deeper into its meaning. Why is it important to remember his goodness? And why do we sing about it?...

Does the Bible Have Anything to Say about Pornography?

Emma Danzey

What does the Bible say about pornography? Today we are going to dive into the Scriptures on how to approach pornography and how to help ourselves and others with addictions....

Jesus Teaches Us How to Interact with People in the LGBT Community

Allie Boman

If we want to know how to treat people like neighbors — even people very different from us — we can watch how our older brother Jesus did it. He didn’t really treat everyone “the same.” He met them wh...

What Does the Bible Say about Gossip?

Kathy Collard Miller

The Bible warns us about gossip very clearly. So what can we learn from its advice?...

How Do You Take Your Thoughts Captive, like the Bible Commands?

Matt Tommey

Without a clear understanding of why we take every thought captive and the power that it gives us to cooperate with the Holy Spirit in our daily lives, well-meaning, devoted Christians will be left fr...

What Does Enmity Teach Us about the Barriers the Gospel Breaks Down?

Britt Mooney

The thousands of church splits and denominations are evidence we are plagued by the same enmity that rules the world....

5 Ways to Invite God’s Presence during the Holidays

Kirstyn Mayden

While we are often busy and consumed with making sure we have everything in order, it is easy to neglect cultivating or maintaining our relationship with God. God wants us to draw closer to Him and in...

A Biblical Guide for Praying over Your Marriage

Liz Auld

This is why we must pray for our marriage through changing circumstances, our commitment is to love our spouse in good times and bad just as God loves us. We should pray for our marriage when things a...

8 Verses to Encourage Those Who Feel All Alone

Allie Boman

Scripture confirms that people are made for relationships, that our lives are meant to be interconnected with others. If you are feeling all alone in this season of life, may these 8 verses encourage ...

10 Things You Should Know about the Lord's Supper and Communion

Sam Storms

The primary biblical text on the nature and meaning of the Lord’s Supper/Table, also known as Communion or the Eucharist (from the Greek word for the giving of thanks) is 1 Corinthians 11:23-34. Here ...

Why Does God Remain Hidden in the Book of Ruth?

Rev. Kyle Norman

God is present, although hidden. This hiddenness is incredibly important as it testifies to the constancy of God’s presence, and the assurance of God’s plan. Through Ruth’s own life, God subtly weaves...

What Is Biblical Discipline, and How Can We Grow This Virtue?

Bethany Verrett

For someone who has put their faith in Jesus Christ for salvation and eternal life and has the Holy Spirit indwelling, they can rely on God to help them grow in discipline in both personal and spiritu...

4 Signs It Is Time to Leave a Church

Michael Jakes

The church is the body of Christ, a gift from the Father for us to grow in community, and grow closer to Him. But churches are filled with sinful human beings, ourselves included! When problems arise,...