Search Results for ps 11

Found 1832 Results for ps 11
Revelation 7:1

After the Lamb has opened six of the seven seals, there is a pause in the action while the servants of God are sealed for protection from the judgment...

Acts 2

Chapter 22:3? And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. cloven tongues tongues, as of fire, parting a...


Footnotes(1 )Christus Comprobator, p. 99, sq.(1 )O twn Paterwn Pathr; o twn Nussaewn fwsthr, Council. Nic. II. Act. VI. Edition of Labbe, p. 477.-Nice...

1 Samuel 2

Chapter?2In this chapter we have, I. Hannah?s song of thanksgiving to God for his favour to her in giving her Samuel (v.?1-10). II. Their return to th...

11.5. Millennial Reign of Messiah

The book of Revelation describes saints who are resurrected at the beginning of the Millennial Kingdom. They sit on thrones and judgment is committed...


\\INTRODUCTION TO HEBREWS\\ That this epistle was written very early appears from hence, that it was imitated by Clement of Rome, in his epistle to ...


Praise [N] [T]Praise, mostly of God, is a frequent theme in the psalms, the Hebrew title of which is Praises. Yet praise is a theme that pervades the ...

Revelation 6:12

sixth seal ?It would be difficult to paint any scene more moving or more terrible than that described at the opening of the sixth seal.?1 Up to now,...

Psalm 78:60

?EXPOSITIONVerse 60. So that he forsook the tabernacle of Shiloh, the tent which he placed among men. His glory would no more reveal itself there, he ...

Deuteronomy 3

Chapter?3Moses, in this chapter, relates, I. The conquest of Og, king of Bashan, and the seizing of his country (v.?1-11). II. The distribution of the...


\\INTRODUCTION TO FIRST KINGS\\ This, and the following book, properly are but one book, divided into two parts, and went with the Jews under the co...

Revelation 14:18

another angel came out from the altar The mention of the altar connects the upcoming vintage of wrath with the cry of the souls under the altar at th...

Job 26

Chapter?26This is Job?s short reply to Bildad?s short discourse, in which he is so far from contradicting him that he confirms what he had said, and o...

Revelation 2:13

I know See commentary on Revelation 2:2. where Satan?s throne is In Pergamum., two saviors competed with the One True Savior. Asklepios, associated w...

Psalms 68

Chapter?68This is a most excellent psalm, but in many places the genuine sense is not easy to come at; for in this, as in some other scriptures, there...

Exodus 27

Chapter?27In this chapter directions are given, I. Concerning the brazen altar for burnt-offerings (v.?1-8). II. Concerning the court of the tabernacl...

Psalm 108:1

PSALM 108 OVERVIEW. TITLE AND SUBJECT. A Song or Psalm of David. To be sung jubilantly as a national hymn, or solemnly as a sacred psalm. We cannot f...

Isaiah 17

Chapter?17Syria and Ephriam were confederate against Judah ch.?7:1, ch.?7:2 ), and, they being so closely linked together in their counsels, this chap...

Exodus 26

Chapter?26Moses here receives instructions, I. Concerning the inner curtains of the tent or tabernacle, and the coupling of those curtains (v.?1-6). I...

16.3. The Temple Mount - Abraham Offers IsaacTemple Mount with Dome of the Rock 1 Isn?t it interesting that in our own day, one of the most significant controvers...