Search Results for ps 18

Found 1637 Results for ps 18
Psalms 99

Chapter?99Still we are celebrating the glories of the kingdom of God among men, and are called upon to praise him, as in the foregoing psalms; but tho...

Job 5

Chapter?5Eliphaz, in the foregoing chapter, for the making good of his charge against Job, had vouched a word from heaven, sent him in a vision. In th...

1 Samuel 6

Chapter?6In this chapter we have the return of the ark to the land of Israel, whither we are now gladly to attend it, and observe, I. How the Philisti...

Isaiah 11

Chapter 11It is a very good transition in prophecy (whether it be so in rhetoric or no), and a very common one, to pass from the prediction of the tem...

Psalm 24:5

?EXPOSITIONVerse 5. It must not be supposed that the persons who are thus described by their inward and outward holiness are saved by the merits of th...



Psalms 116

Chapter?116This is a thanksgiving psalm; it is not certain whether David penned it upon any particular occasion or upon a general review of the many g...

Revelation 16:1

In the previous chapter, John saw the seven angels having the seven last plagues wherein the wrath of God is complete (Rev. Rev. 15:1+). He was also ...


Footnotes(1 )He came in with a slow and stately step; he spoke with a broken utterance, sometimes with a kind of disjointed sobs rather than words. He...


JOY joi (simchah; chara): 1. Terms: The idea of joy is expressed in the Old Testament by a wealth of synonymous terms that cannot easily be differen...

Isaiah 35

Chapter?35As after a prediction of God?s judgments upon the world (ch4) follows a promise of great mercy to be had in store for his church (ch5), so h...

Exodus 13

Chapter?13In this chapter we have, I. The commands God gave to Israel, 1. To sanctify all their firstborn to him (v.?1, v.?2). To be sure to remember ...

Heart and Head

HEART AND HEAD. Sec. XII. Quid sine capite est homo, cries Ambrose, cum totus in capite sit! According to thorough investigation and evidence of ...

Deuteronomy 3

Chapter?3Moses, in this chapter, relates, I. The conquest of Og, king of Bashan, and the seizing of his country (v.?1-11). II. The distribution of the...

Job 7

Chapter?7Job, in this chapter, goes on to express the bitter sense he had of his calamities and to justify himself in his desire of death. I. He compl...

Homily 14

Homily XIV.Homily XIV. Hebrews viii. 1, 2.-Now of the things which we have spoken this is the sum: We have such an High Priest; who is set down on the...

1 Peter 3

PETER. CHAPTER III. Various Practical Duties. SUMMARY.--Duties of Women. Of Husbands. Duties of Christians Towards Each Other. Attitude Towards Ad...

Joshua 12

Chapter?12This chapter is a summary of Israel?s conquests. I. Their conquests under Moses, on the other side Jordan (for we now suppose ourselves in C...

Isaiah 17

Chapter?17Syria and Ephriam were confederate against Judah ch.?7:1, ch.?7:2 ), and, they being so closely linked together in their counsels, this chap...

Psalm 66:18

?EXPOSITIONVerse 18. If I regard iniquity in my heart. If, having seen it to be there, I continue to gaze upon it without aversion; if I cherish it, h...