Search Results for zec 3

Found 457 Results for zec 3
Esther 9

Chapter?9We left two royal edicts in force, both given at the court of Shushan, one bearing date the thirteenth day of the first month, appointing tha...

Genesis 21

Chapter?21In this chapter we have, I. Isaac, the child of promise born into Abraham?s family (v.?1-8). II. Ishmael, the son of the bondwoman, cast out...

Malachi 4

Chapter?4We have here proper instructions given us (very proper to close the canon of the Old Testament with), I. Concerning the state of recompence a...

Isaiah 14

Chapter 14In this chapter, I. More weight is added to the burden of Babylon, enough to sink it like a mill-stone; I. It is Israel?s cause that is to b...

Hebrews 4

Chapter?4The apostle, having in the foregoing chapter set forth the sin and punishment of the ancient Jews, proceeds in this, I. To declare that our p...

War, Holy War

War, Holy War Despite the fact that many nations have used Scripture passages out of context to promote martial ventures, the Old Testament does not g...

1.3.3. Babylon is Rome

Perhaps the most popular view concerning the identity of Babylon is that she represents the city of Rome.Tertullian, Irenaeus, and Jerome use Babylon...

2 Kings 1

Chapter?1We here find Ahaziah, the genuine son and successor of Ahab, on the throne of Israel. His reign continued not two years; he died by a fall in...

Psalms 67

Chapter?67This psalm relates to the church and is calculated for the public. Here is, I. A prayer for the prosperity of the church of Israel (v.?1). I...

Numbers 17

Chapter?17Enough had been done in the chapter before to quash all pretensions of the families of the tribe of Levi that would set up in competition wi...

2 Chronicles 15

Chapter?15Asa and his army were now returning in triumph from the battle, laden with spoils and adorned with the trophies of victory, the pious prince...

Isaiah 20

Chapter?20This chapter is a prediction of the carrying away of multitudes both of the Egyptians and the Ethiopians into captivity by the king of Assyr...

Exodus 13

Chapter?13In this chapter we have, I. The commands God gave to Israel, 1. To sanctify all their firstborn to him (v.?1, v.?2). To be sure to remember ...

Ezekiel 31

Chapter?31The prophecy of this chapter, as the two chapters before, is against Egypt, and designed for the humbling and mortifying of Pharaoh. In pass...

Habakkuk 2

Chapter?2In this chapter we have an answer expected by the prophet (v.?1), and returned by the Spirit of God, to the complaints which the prophet made...

11.7. Millennial Passages

Since it is often said that the premillennial view of a literal, earthly Millennial Kingdom rests upon what is held to be an obscure foundation in Re...


DARIUS da-ri'-us: The name of three or four kings mentioned in the Old Testament. In the original Persian it is spelled Darayavaush; in Babylonian, u...

Isaiah 58

Chapter?58The prophet, in this chapter, has his commission and charge renewed to reprove the sinners in Zion, particularly the hypocrites, to show the...

Hosea 14

Chapter?14The strain of this chapter differs from that of the foregoing chapters. Those were generally made up of reproofs for sin and threatenings of...

Genesis 22

Chapter?22We have here the famous story of Abraham?s offering up his son Isaac, that is, his offering to offer him, which is justly looked upon as one...